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Writer~San: Look at these stylish skelebois. I love it, credits go to the rightful artist~
(~Your POV + Time Skip~)

I take a deep breath, looking at my wedding dress in the mirror. (Writer~San: Once again, up to your imagination~) Thank goodness it still fits even though it's been in the closet for two months.

'Today's the day.'

There's a knock on the door and Aria, my boss, friend, and also bridesmaid, steps in. She takes a look at me from the mirror and gasps, "Sweetheart, you look gorgeous!" I nearly cry on the spot, responding, "Thank you. Y-You too."

She smiles and steps closer, showing off her dress. I chose my favorite color for it, and she's still nailing it. She's not my only bridesmaid though. I managed to befriend another one of my coworkers in the past month so I thought it be fun to throw her in as a second bridesmaid.

I smooth down my dress, asking Miss Aria, "Hey, have you seen-" "Nope, I saw her back in the dressing room and then two seconds later she was gone. Said she had to 'take in the scenery for another one of her books.' I swear, that woman is writing every second of her life."

I giggle, "I did read s-some of her books. She does a good j-job.." "Enough about books and fantasies, it's your wedding day!" Aria squeals, giving me a quick hug from behind.

'Is it really? Like, I'm not in a coma again?'

Aria suddenly snickers, "Y'know, I did get to take a peek at the finished setup and Papyrus was there. He looks pretty good in that suit~" I know she did this to make me blush, and unfortunately it worked. "S-ShUt UP! I'll see him when I get there!" I laugh and slap her shoulder, hiding my flustered face.

There's another knock to interrupt the conversation. I turn to the door, "Come in!" Blueberry, my soon to be brother-in-law and also Honey's best man, comes rushing in the room like a rocket, "Miss Aria, you're up!"

Aria turns to me, smiling as she gently holds my arms, "I guess I'll see you on the other side. It's gorgeous and the weather's perfect out there. You'll love it." I nod, smiling back to her, "See y-you there."

She turns and rushes past Blueberry, "Let's do this!" With her gone, it's just me and Sans. Honey and I planned a small wedding, so I think Blue's set to go up after Aria.

He's super nervous. Currently, he's looking down at the floor and pulling at the collar of his suit where his scarf is supposed to be. To break the tension, I smirk and ask, "So, I bet it was terrible getting Pap into a suit-" "UGH! YOU HAVE NO IDEA. His counterparts from UnderTale and UnderFell are groomsmen and they look better prepared than he is." Sans rolls his eyes and rubs his temples, chuckling through his words.

"Aww, I'm sure he looks great. H-He is my fiancé after all~" I defend him, grinning. Blue's eyes quickly shape into stars as he smiles wider, "You look very beautiful by the way. I know my brother is going to be speechless from the moment he sees you."

I twirl in my dress, watching as it gently flares up at the bottom, "Pff- You really t-think so?" "I, the magnificent Sans, am always right!" He replies with excitement.

He pauses and turns to the doorway, "I think it's going to be my turn now." "You have nothing to worry about. You look very cool and handsome." I assure him. Sans then turns back to me, tears in his eyes, "Please promise me you'll take good care of him.."


I hurriedly rush over and hug him, "I-I will, but don't forget that he'll h-have the best bro looking out for him too." "Thank you, Y/N.."

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