Chapter 5 - A Dire Future (Revised)

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Sirens. The race that humanity encountered when they came out of the blue in the ocean. They were first discovered as a military vessel. At first, the sailors thought that this would be an experimental ship conducted by one of the countries, but they were wrong, their first meeting was met with laser and artillery fire from their black colored ships. A military fleet detected a SOS sent by a civilian vessel, by the time they got there, the ship sunk, the crew and its passengers were gone but save for one who tells the tale.

As a response to the sirens' repeated aggression, humanity retaliated. They used their weapons to fight this enemy, it was working, as they saw that these black colored ships with a strange streak of colors were sinking. but that proved wrong when the sirens revealed their new weapon, the humanoid ones. The humanoid ones, dubbed as the Executors, were more advanced than them.

Humanity's soldiers gave their best in the face of this new threat. They were the hardest enemy they faced, coupled with multiple arrays of weaponries and tougher armor that only heavy weapons could deal with it. They thought they were the sirens' only soldiers, but that proved fatal when an even more advanced Executor came in. Their weapons were lacking firepower, soldiers died without making a significant dent, and their battles were oftentimes a loss.

These losses led to an advancement of technology, weapons that could deal with this imminent threat, such as UHTCs, precise-guided munitions, unmanned ships, and other heavier and deadlier weapons. These weapons caused major changes in the battlefield. Soldiers can now stand their ground but even then, it's already too late.

As time went by, the sirens obliterated approximately a half of humanity. Cities were destroyed, ports ruined and their military crippled. Thankfully, they never reached further inland due to their nature of needing water for keeping moisture on their bodies. This was discovered by a brave expeditionary force that led to discover the siren's weakness.

It's only a matter of time before the sirens can develop a way to go further inland and obliterate humanity on the face of the earth. But the surviving members of the expeditionary force brought back a miracle. And that is humanity's first hope, The Wisdom Cube.

Somewhere in the M***** Desert, a heavily restricted underground research facility was built before the sirens came as this facility conducted questionable experiments, created dangerous weapons, and protected others from it. Coincidentally, it became one of the surviving research labs after the sirens attacked.

Inside of the facility, a meeting was held to report about a breakthrough at the wisdom cube. five people can be seen seated around a round table. The five people are the head of the five surviving labs on Earth. The last one is the representative of the World Government.

They go by numbers, from 01 to 05.

01 as B**** M*** R******* F*******
02 as H****** B******
03 as U******* C**********
04 as A******* L***********
05 as World Government

One of the heads of the research lab gets their attention by tapping the table and starts to talk about their recent discovery of the wisdom cube.

"We got news that our lab in New Mexico has a theory that this cube could manifest the soul of a ship. Specifically, only World War 1 and 2 ships." 01 said.

Everyone was stunned when they heard the word "manifest the soul of a ship", at first, they thought about the sirens as those beings are technically a ship by the results of their observation and further research.

"You mean, this cube could ONLY work on those obsolete ships?! It's already the modern age for God's sake! Exclaimed by 05.

"I agree with 05, why only those ships?" Questioned by 02.

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