Chapter 4 | You Can Walk Straight Through Hell With A Smile

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"Time you enjoyed wasting was not wasted" ~ JL

Casey Rebecca Franklin

"Oh my god, I'm so excited!" Squealed Lydie, she was wearing a purple leather crop top, and black shorts, where as I was wearing leather pants and a new cream lace crop top from American eagle.

The party was due to start in about ten minutes, but Laura and I came early. However Laura took her Boyfriend, who took all of the football team, who took all of there girlfriends, so the party had started early. And I still wasn't ready.

"Hurry up Casey, I'm late for my own party!" Said Lydia

"I'm coming just- do you have any lipstick?"

"Yep here" she said, passing the red Mac lipstick,

"Thanks, ohhh classy" I giggled, I applied the lipstick and did the popping thing with my mouth,

"Ready now?"


"Woo lets go party" says Lydie punching the air

"Someone's over excited" I giggled,

Lydia punched me in the arm and walked down stairs. And walked into the living room.

"Hey where did everyone go?" Lydie exclaimed, I turned my head around the doorway to the room completely empty. I was about to say something when my phone started ringing.

"Who is it?" Lydie asked

"Laura" I said answering the phone,

"Hey Laura where are you?" I shouted down the line,

"Casey omg, Evelyn has thrown this awesome party you have to come!"

"What wait?!" I shouted, I bet they did that on purpose, they probably just copied it from Mean Girls 2.

"Oh my god, oh fuck. Oh my god!"

"Laura, Laura? What's wrong?" Panic exploded inside of me, what happened? Did someone die?

"Oh my god, Casey. It's Brooke!" Laura exploded

"Laura what's Brooke? You're gonna have to explain, honey."

"It's Brooke! That cold hearted, shallow little bitch!"

"Laura please explain!"

"Oh my, Casey. Brooke, she's making out with Ryan!" Whatever I was expecting, I don't think it was that.

"Oh Laura, oh honey. Come over now. Come to Lydia's house. I'm so sorry." I heard sniffing on the other end.

"Yeah okay, bye" and she put down the phone

"What happened?" Exclaimed Lydia "what happened with Laura?!"

"Laura saw Ryan make out with Brooke" I whispered, still unable to believe it, I mean, since when did Ryan get that shallow.

"Oh no, omigod I can't believe it. That sneaky little bitch, oh if I get my hands on her-"

The front door burst open, outside stood two cops with guns, one was quite tall, about in his 40's and the other one was really hot and about in his 20's. Lydia's face was full of shock, mine probably was too.

"Are you two Lydia Evans and Casey Franklin?" Asked one of the cops,

Lydia didn't answer so I just nodded my head,

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