Chapter 1| Smells Like Teen Spirit

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"It's better to be absolutely ridiculous then absolutely boring" ~MM

Emmeline Olivia Banks

You have to be on either Casey's or my side.

You can't be on both. And you can't be on none.

It basically common knowledge.

If you're either on both or none you are classed as unpopular.

And at Prior Park, you do not want to be classed a unpopular. Trust me. I've had a whole 3 weeks and 2 days to find that out. And a whole 3 weeks and 2 days to realise just how much I despise Casey Franklin. She's the most annoying, self centred, up herself, person I've ever met. Even if she is the smartest girl in the year. On top of all that, she's such a goody goody two shoes. And you don't have to be the smartest girl in the year to work that out. She won't even go down the "forbidden" corridor to get to lunch because it's quicker in case a teacher sees her, she says she could gat expelled. You're walking down a corridor for god damn sake, what's the worst that could happen? It's not like you we're found smoking in the bathroom (which, by the way, wasn't me. I was just hold a pack of cigarettes for my friend)

Anyway the thing about Casey and I is we both dislike each other intensely, however, we are both the most popular girls in the school. The year can't decide who would be better at "Miss popular" ,as they call it, so dear Casey and I have to fight for the spotlight. I'm doing a pretty decent job, if I do say so myself.

When I first came to New York I knew nothing about America or the American ways of life, I've spent my whole life in London. Sometimes I just wish I could close my eyes and go back there. It might rain there every single day, but that's just what makes London, London. I love the red buses and and all those people in the street who dress up in silver or gold and pretend to be statues and when the tourists come to take pictures with them, they move. I love Oxford street with all my favourite shops and restaurants. I love the air about the place that gives it a homely feeling. I just love everything about it. When I came to America, it was different. But maybe it was just the realisation that I was never going to see my dad again, that hit me so hard in the face. I would never call New York my home. Despite how much my mother would love me too. She loves it here. She prefers it to London, I can see it in her eyes. Whenever I ask if we will ever go back this grey expression clouds over her face. I think London reminds her of dad, they where best friends ever since they met in year 1 and then in year 10 he asked her out. She's never had a boyfriend other then him. He died when he was in Turkey on a trip. His company informed us and the next week mum said we're going to New York. In America she can escape her past. And I guess she wants me too as well. But I don't have many friends here, not as many as I did back home. My best friend here would have to be Evelyn Baxter. She has lived in New York her whole life. Her favourite band is 5 Seconds of Summer. Her favourite colour is pink. She is in love with Luke Hemmings and to be fair he is cute but I find it all way to mainstream. And 5 Seconds of Summer are not the best. I find Arctic Monkeys or the Beatles way more interesting to listen to. My favourite Arctic Monkeys album would have to be Favourite Worst Nightmare because I love the songs 505 and Brianstorm. Most girls in my year are so mainstream they all love the same thing and talk about constantly. It drives me crazy. But sometimes you just gotta let them speak otherwise it would be cooped up in them forever.

But I guess, what I love about New York the most is the people. They're always so friendly and always want to talk to you. Most people in Prior Park are really warm and loving people, however they've all come from the same background. They all have rich ancestors or parents, well everyone apart from Casey, she got here on a scholarship. I think that's why it either Casey or I. We're both different. We both have different backgrounds and history. We're also, I guess, the prettiest girls in the year, so that helps. I think I have more people on my side, but who's counting. We both got to Prior Park High, but other then that, we are so different. She's like an alien from another planet, but with the same dream.
Too become little Miss Popular.

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