Chapter 3 | Only The Good Die Young

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"She looks at you like you put the stars in the sky" ~ U

Emmeline Olivia Banks

My new cherry red Porsche convertible was practically glowing in the autumn sun. The reflection of our our new three story house sparkled in the windscreen. I jumped in letting my body sink into the squishy leather seats. I adjusted the mirror so I could see the road behind me, safety first as my dad always said. It's so cool that in America you only have to sixteen to get your driving licence, so obviously I had my driving test right away. That is probably the only thing that I was looking forward to about New York, that and the clothes shops.

It takes about ten minutes to drive to school. I kept the roof up just in case the wind spoilt my perfect hair that took me an hour to do this morning, I have lots of time on my hands as I have to wear school uniform.

Prior Park was about the same size as my old school, but not nearly as pretty. Half of the school was built with the mustard coloured concrete from the 70's, however the other half looked like it was built sometime in the late 1800's. The school back in England had been built in the Victorian era and had an excellent history department , which I loved because history was my favourite lesson, apart from art and P.E.

"Hey Emmeline over here" I turned to see a beaming Evelyn standing by the steps of the school.

"Morning Evelyn, what's up?" I shout walking over to her,

"The sky, duh" she says, rolling her eyes.

"Cut the crap. I meant what are you itching to tell me"

Her face lighted up like a lightbulb "you'd never guess" she paused obviously waiting for me to say something "c'mon guess" she pleaded

"Umm, John Lennon came back from the dead and Aaron Johnson came to your house asking where I lived so he could marry me?" I joked, but I could tell she was getting frustrated.

"Yes Emmeline, but Alex Turner was there as well and was fighting Aaron over you. No of course not" she huffed

"Well it could happen. But tell me what happened with you"

"Derek Black asked me to be his girlfriend" she squealed, she honestly looked like she was about to burst, but she must have noticed the smile fade from me face as she shut up, "Emmeline, What's wrong? I thought you'd be happy for me?"

It wasn't that I wasn't happy for her getting a boyfriend, but she hardly knew Derek Black the only sentence they had exchanged to each other was 'hey, let's make out' and then suddenly bam, they're getting married with four children on the way.

"No, no I'm very happy for you, it's just Derek's known for breaking hearts and I don't want you to get hurt" which was true as well, but I could see the anger in my friends eyes

"Your just jealous because he asked me out and not you"

Well that was way out of order, I thought

"Evelyn, don't be silly I've already got a boyfriend I'm just trying to watch out for you. " I said, trying to keep the spite out of my voice,

"I'm sorry, it's that time of the month and I guess I was just hoping for a better reaction" she whispered, looking down and her shoes, like they were the most fascinating thing in the world

"Don't worry" I said before the usual ring of the bell wafted through the air.
"Well come on Evelyn I've got maths" I groaned

Evelyn laughed "I love how you say maths, it's math."

"No its maths" I argued

"It's math"

"It definitely maths. I mean, who came up with the language? For god sake"

Little DarlingsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon