Psst...Announcement Part Six

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Dear Readers, 

Thank you for reading my story. That is the end of Part Two of 'The Mallapers series.' The next story will be the final part in the series and the first chapter will be uploaded in the next couple of days. I promise you won't have to wait long for it. 

Honestly I have loved writing this story and want to thank those loyal readers who have followed, liked, commented and even private messaged me. I am so sorry for leaving the story on a Cliffhanger but I promise it will be worth it. 

The final part will be called "The War Of The Mallapers". I look forward to hearing from you all and hope you will continue to support me as an author, you have helped moulded and shape my stories. 

The Elevator is another story which is also near completion and I hope if you have enjoyed this story you will give that a go. I have another three books which I plan to release this year. I'm focusing on my writing goals. I would love to hear what your goals are for the New Year? 

Thank you for your support. 

Love my Love

Cam XO

The Mallapers Are Rising: A Rejected Werewolf StoryWhere stories live. Discover now