Chapter Eight

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Leyla's Point Of View

I was running as fast as I could, the wind trickled across my pelt, I felt free and I felt wild. I wasn't the fastest runner in my pack but the run with Alpha Reaper didn't exhaust or tire me. I felt invigorated with the strength that was running through my bones. Alpha Reaper's wolf would have intimidated me, if Amira wasn't so strong herself. 

Alpha Reaper wolfs was the darkest shade of black you could imagine, she could hide in the deepest of shadows and not be seen. Her eyes contrasted the black pet as her iris' were a silver as the stars in the sky. When she looked at me there was this twinkle of mischief that lingered beneath them. They were mesmerising and were probably the only feminine feature on her wolf. I know most would mistake her wolf as an Alpha male due to her pure size and dominance. 

As we ran with her companions, they had formed a semi-circle around us. It was their way of masking our scent, confusing any that may try and follow us. It was clever and showed her intelligence, but it also showed her companions loyalty. They seemed dedicated to her and I could see that her loyalty ran deep. They were a strong group, for I had seen the training at the Royal pack house and from the Mallaper's  pace and their endurance I could feel that they would rival them easily. 

I couldn't provide specifics on how long and how far we had traveled but the moon had gone down from the night sky and the the sun was shining high. We had not come into contact with any other wolves but the terrain had vastly changed. Sometimes we were in thick forests and another we were in vast green fields. I had not travelled much while I resided in the Royal Pack, Nona had wanted to protect me so I stayed within the pack grounds for most my life. 

Seeing the scenery of the Kingdom was beautiful, there was something exciting for me and Amira when exploring the land. The Mallapers seemed to know the lands well and they acknowledged the abandoned paths. I could see from just this one run they were a strategical group. I didn't know whether to be worried or threatened, all I could do was sense Amira's comfort and ease being in their presence. 

Alpha Reaper scouted the area and her gaze wavered to her surroundings. Her nostrils were flaring trying to indents any new or lingering scents. I followed her actions and smelt nothing but fresh green fields and the dirt that scattered across the earth. We were in a clearing when she nodded her followers. Their feet started to slow to a fast trot until Alpha Reaper came to a halt. 

I heard the cracking of bones and it was then that I saw her transformation as her body started to contort to her human form. Before she was wearing her leather outfit but now she was in a simple black summer dress. She was bare foot and her hair was blowing in the wind. She looked softer now, there was nothing intimidating about her presence. Amira titled her head assessing the woman who was stood in front of her. 

"Do you think you can shift back?" Alpha Reaper asked as she looked at me in the eye. 

What do you think? I asked Amira. 

Shift we need to speak with her. Amira commanded. 

I pushed my limbs and body to bend, I felt the deformation of my wolf as I thought of my human form. By the time I changed I was on the floor crouched over, I had gasped for air when I started to stand tall. Normally when I shifted I was naked but like Alpha Reaper I had managed to maintain some sort of clothing. My dress was the same style as hers but mine was white. Not a spec of dirt was graced my dress. 

"Thank you." Alpha Reaper stated. 

I nodded my head and felt my feet push into the ground, my toes were curling into the grass. There was something empowering about being bare foot on the ground. "Where are we Alpha?" I asked. 

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