Chapter Eighteen

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Leyla's Point Of View

"Wake up sweet cheeks." A loud voice came from outside my door. It was irritatingly positive for it barely being dawn. I had no idea what time it was but I could see the light trickle in from my window. 

"Go away." I groaned as I pushed myself into the pillow. Despite the amount of rest I had got yesterday, I was still tired. It was the first time since leaving the Royal Pack that I had relaxed. I don't know if it was my body catching up with all the stress I had endured or if it was being in a new environment. 

"Don't make me get a bucket of water or pull you out of that bed. You won't like it Ley" Reed chuckled. His voice was muffled but after the time he spent with me yesterday, giving me a tour of the pack, introducing me to the members. I couldn't forget his voice. 

"Ergh, fine I'm getting up." I sighed. 

"Good, Alpha's waiting for you in a clearing, sniff her out." He voice became more muffled as I heard his footsteps retreat away from my door. 

I chucked the sheets off my body and pushed myself off the bed. My muscles were sore and I hadn't even begun training, why was my human side so exhausted? I didn't feel weak, I just felt exhausted. 

You are adjusting to the power flowing through your body. It was take some time getting used to.   Amira explained. 

I'm glad to see you so chirpy this morning. I sarcastically replied. 

Amira was chuckling in my mind. I felt relieved that she seemed better in spirits. I know things had been difficult for me, but I thought being away from her mate would cause her more pain than she had already been through. During a time that I cared little for myself, she was someone that I wanted to protect and care for. I couldn't bare the thought of her being in pain for the rest of her life. 

Don't worry too much about me Leyla, I will be alright. We will be alright. We are in the right place. Amira reassured me. Now get your butt moving and go meet Rita.

I chuckled and made my way to the small en-suite and had a warm shower hoping to loosen my muscles before I began training. It wasn't as extravagant as the Royal Quarters but the facilities were clean and cosy. I surprisingly preferred the utilities here. I lathered myself in soap, cleaning my skin throughly. There was always something about water and washing that felt like I was stripping my problems away. 

After washing my hair, I combed it out and brushed my teeth. My breath was minty fresh and I felt slightly more refreshed from my exhausted state. I walked out of the en-suite into my small but cosy bedroom and looked on the chair to see that there were some basic workout clothes. There was a training bra, workout leggings and even a hoodie. They were all pain and black, they weren't revealing clothes but they were rather conservative which I was thankful for. I chucked the clothes up and put my wet hair in a tight bun making sure that there were no loose tendrils hanging over my face. 

There was no large mirror to check my appearance but since being here I didn't care. Everyone was so happy and so relaxed here. No one seemed to be bothered by appearances or behaviour here. They accepted each other for whoever they were, there were no judgements, just a lot of love and care. This just warmed me to my core. I felt at home. It reminded me of how I felt when I lived with Nona. I closed my eyes and pushed thoughts of Nona away. It was still too painful to remember that she wasn't here. There was an overwhelming sense of guilt that she had died helping me escape. 

I shook my head and made strides out of my room and the pack house. The pack house was bustling with people, many were preparing breakfast and making jokes with one another. It was a morning filled with laughter. They all wished me good morning, but I didn't have time to stop as I knew that I had to meet Rita. 

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