Beautiful Mess : Chapter 19

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Once Daya arrived in LA, Aditi dragged him to lunch with her family even though he said that he had so many thing to manage at his art gallery. She ignored it and he had to sit there in complete silence as the Malhotras talked about the wedding plan.

It was in the last stage. Everything was going according to plan except the freaked out groom-to-be. They didn't like the fact that Daya disappeared and left Aditi to deal with this alone but they also like it that they could do whatever they want with the wedding without Daya saying no to everything.

Once the lunch was over, Daya was back to his art gallery where Vivek and Tasha were still trying to arrange a huge chunk of arts that arrived yesterday. All the painting Daya shipped from Las Vegas.

Vivek and his wife, Tasha didn't get a glimpse of any painting because it was perfectly concealed with paper. Daya told them they could see it when he done arranging it. The married couple left the artist alone to himself in his art studio and private gallery.

Daya slowly put everything in place, hanging the portraits of the woman he loved in his art studio. God, he missed her so much and it was not even a day that he left her.

But arranging the gallery could help him calm down and as if his mind knew that these painting was something of her. It reflexed how he thought of her, how much he love Shreya. Daya took off the current centrepiece of his art gallery and hung up the portrait of Shreya, The neon painted portrait of Shreya in box canvas, the woman whose fiery black hair burned brighter than the neon signs at night, he intended to give her when he said goodbye in the better circumstance that the on he had.

He hung it up and set the light so it could beautifully display the portrait. The best he could do to worship the probably last remaining of what would remind him of her. Daya didn't know how long he stood there admiring his own work, no, he didn't admire his work, he was thinking about Shreya and how that night at the neon sign museum went.

It was a night of a warm fussy feeling that brought them closer together. Every memory was so beautiful that he really wished he could turn back time and revisited that moment again.

He came home late because he lost track of time after lying on the floor of his studio and looked at the painting of Shreya. He just couldn’t take his eyes of it. He came home to find that his own home feel completely strange, like this wasn't his place anymore.

"Hey..." Aditi went up to him and gave him a kiss.

"Why are you still up? This is very late."

"Waiting for my man to come home." She replied sweetly and he couldn't help himself from smiling. "Go take shower, sweetie. I will wait for you in bed."

Daya nodded and did as she said. When he came back to their bedroom, Aditi was already asleep so he just kissed her cheek and slipped in beside her.


Daya woke up, feeling a little bit disoriented. It felt a little bit familiar as if he was waking up in Shreya's bed once again. The warm body that was pressing against his chest smelled so good. This must be a dream. He dreamed that he was back with Shreya.

He could sleep forever if he was dreaming like this.

Daya wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer and kissed her back up to her shoulders and neck. The woman hummed happily and relaxed into his touch.

But the voice doesn’t belong to Shreya and reality strike him.

It was his own fiancée, Aditi.

Aww, shit! He thought she was Shreya and how bad of a man he was to think about other woman.

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