Beautiful Mess : Chapter 06

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They went on almost every ride, from the bumper cars to the most thrilling ride, Canyon Blaster. Shreya got a lot of materials to use for the scrapbook she would give him on his last days in Vegas, something that would remind him of the time they'd spent together.

They were having a competition at the arcade, and trying to win as many prizes as they could. Shreya always initiated a silly argument which ended up with Daya kissing her hard on the lips to stop her. Shreya always returned them with equal favour. Daya didn't want to admit how much he loved kissing her—he was kind of addicted to them.

Every time he kissed her, he was only left wanting more.

While they were at another shooting game, that Shreya got a call.

"Hey, give me your gun." he said.

Shreya walked away to answer her phone. Daya noticed right away that it must be something work related to make her frown like that. Daya put down the gun, turning his full attention to her when she came back.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"That was my boss. He needs me at the work for a meeting." She told him. It was a lie—that wasn't what her boss wanted from her. She didn't dare to tell him the truth about her work anymore—when she saw how jealous Daya could get.

She didn't want to upset him.

"Oh…" he was visibly sad and Shreya already felt bad.

"I'm sorry, but I've gotta cancel everything for the rest of the day."

"It's okay. Your work comes first, bae." He understood her in a way no one could. It made Shreya’s heart swell. "At least let me drop you off at your work."

"Nah, don't worry. You should go back to your friends." She said. "We can still text each other all the time."

Daya pouted at her but surrendered. Daya couldn't help but feel bad that he had to be away from her, realizing that they wouldn't be able to hang out for the rest of the day. He loved his friends, but all they did was party.

They kissed again before they parted. It left them missing each other even more. Daya stood there until Shreya’s cab was out of his sight before he went back to his hotel.

It was only five minutes and he already missed Shreya. God! How could he survive the rest of the day without her? He already missed her touch and her lips on his. It shouldn't have been a lingering feeling—they were only pretending, right?

All he wanted was Shreya by his side again.

When Daya arrived at his hotel, he got a text from Shreya. 'Bae, I'm at the club now and having a meeting :( Miss you so much' Daya smiled. He wasn't the only one who suffered from their separation. He quickly typed back. 'I miss you too 3'

"Hey! Where the hell have you been?" Abhijeet yelled at Daya when he entered the penthouse.

"Just…had an inspiration for my work."

Daya found his friends trying to set up everything for the party. Rajat was telling the DJ about where to set up the booth, equipment, and the theme of the party. Kavin was handling the liquor task, telling the staff to acquire every possible type of alcohol available in this town. Sachin was just chilling around because all he wanted was to stay as quiet as he could amid this chaos.

"Whatever. We decided to throw you a party!" Abhijeet told the groom-to-be. "Your clothes for tonight are upstairs. The theme is masquerade party."

"This is the last thing I want, Abhijeet. A room full of strangers in masks." Daya rolled his eyes before going back to typing away at his phone.

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