Chapter 4

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"Well and then for a very short moment a rather absurd thought occurred to me... Juuuuust veeeery shoooort I asked myself something and after a few considerations it didn't seem soooo absurd to me whether you might not really..." "Really what?", Iwaizumi asked impatiently rocking one foot up and down while he kept his arms crossed. "Well... are you really in love with Oikawa?" Maki raised his arms defensively and somehow had expected a hit, although Iwaizumi mainly hit the captain. However nothing came and after Maki opened his narrowed eyes again he saw how pale Iwa was and the ace stared at him in disbelief. Did he understand Maki correctly? Was he really THAT conspicuous? Did Oikawa then maybe already noticed?! A whole world just collapsed for the ace and Hanamaki had nothing better to do than pricking his face as if he wanted to check whether Iwa was still alive. "Iwaizumi? Hello?", Maki asked waving his hand in front of Iwaizumis face. "W-what? What's going on? "Asked the addressed confused because he was lost too deep in his thoughts. "Wait a minute... What?! No!! Of course I don't love him!! How did you come up with such nonsense?!", Iwaizumi wanted to know after he realized what he had just been asked. In panic he didn't even notice the footsteps slowly moving away from the other side of the door. They belonged to Oikawa who really just wanted to see why his teammates were taking so long after he finally noticed that they were missing at all. But then he became curious because he wanted to know what was none of his bur his best friends business. He thought anyway that Iwa would tell him sooner or later after all they were sandpit friends and told each other everything. After hearing the question from Maki it took a lot of effort not to just burst into it but he really wanted to wait for the answer and although he had already expected a rebuff he now had to hold back tears while he did asked the coach to leave early on the excuse that he wasn't feeling so well.

Unlike the ace the wing spiker noticed from the start that they were being overheard. He was even more surprised when he could hear a slight sob. "What, really now? And I shall buy that from you now? You can fool your grandma! Now tell me the truth!" Iwaizumi frowned in surprise." You noticed that it was a lie? How?! Damn it I practiced this text forever!" "... and?", Maki urged. "Yes, damn it! Yes, I have feelings for this idiot!! And I swear to you... If you lose a word about it to anyone, I'll break every of your 206 bones triple and make sure that you can never tell anything again!!! ", he threatened angrily, had come pretty close to his teammate and had placed his index finger on Maki's chest. Unfortunately even his death look came across less threatening because Hanamaki was almost 6 centimeters taller. "Whoa okay! You don't need to threaten me right away I won't reveal anything. I promise!", He said to get out of the predicament and shortly afterwards they both left the bathroom. Iwaizumi had already completely forgotten that he had actually gone there for a reason...

So while the ace went back after his bladder reminded him Maki really couldn't believe he was actually right! He hadn't believed that Iwaizumi had lied to him either and just wanted to be on the safe side. He would never have thought that this would work so well. So Iwaizumi was really into Oikawa, who would have thought that?

And while we're with the captain, where was he actually? This was noticed not only by Hanamaki but also by Iwaizumi after he had finished urinating.

"Has anyone seen Shittykawa? He was still here 10 minutes ago", the ace remarked and let his gaze wander through the hall but he couldn't find his great love anywhere. "He left about 5 minutes ago, he said he wasn't feeling very well", Matsukawa explained taking a sip from his water bottle. "He wasn't okay? Why that? Did he say whether he would come to class?", Iwaizumi wanted to know and you could clearly hear concern in his voice." Owww, is Iwa-chan~ worried?", Maki asked deliberately using one of the nicknames the ace got from Oikawa. And despite the scowl Iwa threw at Maki Maki started to laugh. Matsukawa would have loved to laugh too but just couldn't understand what was so funny and looked alternately confused at his two teammates. It was only after Maki gave him an 'I'll explain-you-later-gaze' with which Matsukawa was contented with. After that the training finally continued, the trainer was already quite upset because of the long delay.

Later in class Iwaizumi was relieved to see that his friend was back and had decided to talk to him about it during the break.

"Well Trashykawa? Back again? Why did you left earlier?" "... I just wasn't feeling so well, that's all. And now it's okay", the Setter assured his friend and turned to his meal. But Iwaizumi just raised an eyebrow questioningly. Something was very wrong and he could feel it. "Oh yes? But it doesn't seem like that to me! Tell me!", Iwa demanded and was already reaching out with his hand. "I said it's nothing!", Oikawa replied irritably whereupon Iwa lowered his hand again. Oikawa's behavior was quite unusual and he didn't know how to deal with it now.

IwaOi "Those damn fangirls!!" (Finished!)Where stories live. Discover now