Chapter 1

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Leeeeeeets gooooooo:

And once again Oikawa stood at the entrance of the Aoba Johsai and got the risk of being late because he could not make it to the horde of girls who had surrounded him and yet he had put on his irresistible smile and could not say no. Fortunately for him, his best friend Iwaizumi has just passed and noticed the predicament in which the brown-haired man locked himself in. As so often before Iwaizumi pushed his way through the girls until he finally got to his friend's place, grabbed him by the wrist and dragged it behind him. "I'm sorry but I'll have to go ladies", he said politely as always and let out a relieved breath when his admirers were out of earshot. "Thanks Iwa-chan, you were once again my salvation," he sighed. "You know you should change something Shittykawa! If you keep showing up late for class because of these chicks it will have a bad effect on your grades!", Iwaizumi nagged and opened the door to her classroom before they went to their seats.

After class they went to the sports hall together because they were about to practice but as they were used to they were accompanied on the way by Oikawas fan club. The girls weren't allowed to go on the field during training but they sat by and watched. Every damn time one of them cheered on Oikawa, the brown-haired man found it harder not to let go of his smile. He'd love to tell them how annoying he found them, but he was just too nice for that. So he had no chance ...

This whole spectacle was repeated day by day with no prospect of improvement. At least after school he had time to himself, well he thought! It was already evening the only time of day when he could still hear his own thoughts and then of all times the doorbell rang. He struggled down the stairs with aching feet to find Hanamaki and Iwaizumi on the other side of the door. "Oh, Iwa-chan, Maki! Hi! What are you two doing here?", he wanted to know and had put on his mock smile again which Iwaizumi of course saw right away. "Actually, we wanted to hang out with you to distract you from your bad mood but you don't seem to want to. So we're leaving now", said the dark-haired man and was about to turn around again when Oikawa grabbed his wrist. What Iwa said was true but Oikawa didn't want him to leave. So he quickly came up with an excuse. "No no! It's fine! It's just so that the training was very exhausting and my body hurts a bit but please stay!" and what he had told his friends wasn't even completely a lie.

Iwaizumi looked skeptical at first but then followed the other two into the living room.

They chatted a little before Hanamaki cleared his throat and broached a more serious subject. "Oikawa, we still have to talk to you about something specific." "Why suddenly so serious? Do I have to be scared?" Joked the brown-haired one but when he noticed the looks of his friends, his laughter suddenly passed. "It's about your fan-girls. In the meantime, they not only influence your grades but also your performance in training and not in a positive way", Iwaizumu continued. "Yes, I know that myself! And what are you asking me for now? Shall I behave so rude, that they don't approach me anymore?? ", said the Setter and crossed his arms. "At least it would be a possibility,", Hanamakisaid . "All right, I'll think of something," Oikawa relented hoping to close the subject.

But then Hanamaki had to suppress his laugh really exaggerated. "Maki? What's going on?", the Setter wanted to know because this topic wasn't laughable at all. After all the brown-haired had to hurt the feelings of dozens! The Wing-spiker answered: "I just thought hahahah wouldn't it hahaha be f-funny i-if Oikawa would pretend hahahaha that he's gay!?!" But while Hanamaki couldn't stop laughing and was already holding his stomach while his eyes started to water the Setter turned so pale as if he had just seen a ghost and his eyes widened in panic. The sight of Oikawa only made the laughing boy laugh more because he couldn't have guessed that he had hit the bull's eye with it. Oikawa was actually gay but hadn't come out because he didn't want to hurt the hearts of his fan girls..

(A/N: sorry but the first chapters are alway a bit shorter ^^" I hope you enjoyed it! <3)

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