Chapter 69: Generational Fight

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A/N: Chapters in advance in Patreòn
(20+ chapters in advance)

Chapter 69: Generational Fight

Sokka knew that sooner or later, this side of him would eventually be revealed to his sister. So it was better to show such a thing in a controlled environment, or else it would create needless drama in their lives. 

Since this was a time of war, Sokka understood that killing people would eventually become inevitable. He would rather have Katara get used to him now, than later. 

Having her brother suddenly start killing people without remorse would come as a shock. It might even create a sense of bewilderment. If he had this side of him, did she even know her brother?

They were family, so Sokka was sure she would accept him. But he still knew that there was a possibility Katara could have acted differently or distanced herself.

"Did you tell anyone here what the dark snow means?" He inquired curiously because if no one knew, he wasn't planning to tell them. 

"Yes," Katara nodded. "I told my teacher, and she probably spread the news, even Chieftain probably knows by now."

Sokka wanted the Fire Nation attack to come as more of a surprise since it would create panic amongst everyone. But this plan was a faulty one, to begin with, so it would have been better if Katara hadn't said anything. He knew that he had to play with people's feelings a little. 

What was the best and fastest way to get yourself in a high position of political power? First and foremost, there must be an enemy, if there isn't, make up one. Second, incite panic against that real or fake enemy. Make them a hundred times worse.

That was a strategy that Sokka was confident would be successful, even in times of peace. But since the world was at war, he also needed to show another quality. 

Power, both in mind and body. Someone you wanted on your side during the war. 

"Wanna know how I will have Pakku teach you waterbending?" Sokka asked with an amused look on his face. He felt a little bad for manipulating Katara like this, but it was better than having her die.

Katara raised a questioning brow, but she was curious. Her brother could always come up with some crazy plans. So if she said that she wasn't a little intrigued, and excited to hear it, it would be a lie. 

"The plan is... violence," Sokka stated while smiling as if he was talking about the weather.

"Violence? That doesn't sound like a good idea," they were in the middle of the Northern Water Tribe, where the strongest waterbenders in the world stood. The place was surrounded by ice and water, and they were outnumbered. "You are my brother, and I love you, Sokka. But that's the stupidest thing you have ever said, and that means a lot more than you think."

He ignored the insults, and like a wise teacher, he pointed at the sky smugly. "If violence isn't enough, then you just haven't used enough of it."

"In this case, violence isn't the answer."

"No, violence isn't the answer, I agree on that," he nodded. "Violence is a question, and the answer is yes."

In the end, Katara expected some kind of answer to his plans. But she forgot that Sokka was someone whose 99% of his daily enjoyment came from annoying her. 

The smirk on his face as he intently looked at her was a clear indicator of his mood. Sokka was extremely amused.

In front of the palace, Aang was practicing waterbending with Pakku. The elderly man stared at the avatar intently and pointed out any small mistakes that he made.

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