His Wrath

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Barty sat in a a cold wooden chair awaiting his fate.

He'd woken up only a few mere minutes ago in a dark, stone room. He knew what he was here for and he knew wat had to be done. 

It of course wasn't what he personally would've wanted to do but it was what the good in him told him to do.

He watched as the small drops of mildrew slid down the walls, his hands clasped in metal handcuffs. 

He counted down the seconds till the oak doors shattered and freed  themselves from their hinges.

Unfortunately, he only got a few seconds into his count before the doors did just that, revealing a group of Death Eaters and Lord Voldemort himself.

It looked like something you'd see in a classic horror film, the boss walking behind two rows of their minions. 

The Death Eaters surrounded Barty with stone hard faces plastered on their skin. Barty recognized all of them as his former Hogwarts friends and Reg's family.

He knew what was to come.

And he'd come to peace with it.


Ugh shortest chapter alive check 😒

I was planning on making this WAY longer but recently a lot of stuff has happened that's very much damaged me mentally and really hasn't put in the mindset for writing at all

Two boys starting looking up my skirt last week and one of my teachers has been acting really weird around me but I don't really want to tell anyone about it because my anxiety and social issues always get the best of me in rough situations 🤞

But I hope that you all have a good week and that you're all happy and healthy <3

Love you dolls <33

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