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𝙍𝙚𝙜𝙪𝙡𝙪𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑

" And miss Summertime, how's your father doing? " Slughorn asked whilst taking a sip from his wine glass.

" I don't really talk to him, he's always off at the ministry, mum recons he's seeing someone. " She replied, picking at her food.

Slughorn coughed into his drink.

" I- er- yes well, quite. " He trailed off. " And how about you Regulus! "

I raised an everybrow at him.

" There have been some rather concerning rumours going around about your parents and... Dark wizards. " The old man said, placing his cup down on the table.

" Well they are just rumours but I can assure you that I haven't seen Voldemort running around our garden, playing with the dogs. " I replied, looking back down at my plate.

There was an awkward silence.

" Ah! Don't think I'm singling you out Regulus m'boy there have been many rumours going around lately!"

" Of course, professor. "

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" Yes, yes, goodbye! " Slughorn hollered.

He turned around and faced me, looking a little surprised at first.

" Ah, Reggie my'boy what can I help you with? "

" It's nothing much it's just I was wondering around my family library and I came across something quite rare and peculiar, I believed that you might have the answer or explanation, concerning what I stumbled upon. "

" And what might that be? "

" It was called - as I remember - horcruxs. "

𝙅𝙖𝙢𝙚𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑






" OH YEAH! "

" Will you shut up for the love of sodding Merlin! " Remus shouted, his speech muffled due to the pillow covering his face.

" Awe, don't be a spoilwolf, moony! " Sirius said, laughing as he jumped off his bed.

" I'll spoil you in a minute. " Remus replied.

" Go on then ", Padfoot smirked.

Remus flipped him off, retreating back into his nest of pillows.

" You love me really, moony! " Sirius shouted, patting the mound of pillows.

He got a grumble in response.

I chuckled before grabbing my invisibility cloak off my bed.

" I'm going for a wander ",

" What? At ten o'clock? "

" Come off it pads, we sneak out at midnight all the time! "

" Then I'll come with you! " Sirius jumped off Remus' bed.

" Nah, I think I'm old enough to go for a walk by myself, mummy. "

With that I left the room and went through a passage to the stairs.

I had no idea where I was going, I just wanted to get away from that room.

Don't get me wrong, I love everything about the contents of the dorm but with the whole Regulus situation, everything felt a bit tight, like I couldn't say anything even remotely connected to him or Sirius without going into a huge ass panic that they hate me!

If I could tell them I really would, but it's not up to me and even if I did I'd be scared as to what would happen with pads.

I was walking down a corridor I knew all too well, the corridor seperating potions and defence against the dark arts.

The amount of times I found myself running down it after dyeing Slughorn's or the Slytherin's hair!

Was I really willing to give all that up for one boy?

I'd have to choose at some point.

I spotted Regulus running towards me, tears running from his eyes.

Okay, maybe I didn't need to choose.

Not right now at least.

As soon as he got close enough I wrapped my arms around his neck as he sobbed.

He looked so broken and unsure, what could have caused that?

" Are you alright? What happend, Reg? "

What could have been so bad that he let down the wall, covering all emotions?

" I just- Slughorn- He told him! He caused it- " He cried, his breathed uneven.

I loosened my grip around him as he broke from my grasp.

" Told him what? I'm sorry if I seem nosy it's just talking makes people feel better when they're upset or distraught. "

" Slughorn told him- Voldemort, about horcruxs and how to make them. Riddle manipulated him- ", His voice started to become slightly more calm as the sentence went on.

" Okay, what are horcruxs? "

" They're like things - objects - that contain part of someone's soul rendering them immortal, you can only make then by killing someone but the process is supposed to unimaginably painful, Voldemort never likes feeling weak meaning I don't expect him to make all seven."

" Reg, why did ask Slughorn about this? " I asked nervous as to what the answer would be.

" Because I think I might know how to destroy them, the only issue is, I almost certainly die in the process."

My eyes widened.

" No. "

" You're not my mother James. "

" I don't care I'm saying no! "

" Why? "

" 'Why?' Because I'm not going to let you fucking die, why else!? "

" I would rather die knowing that I did something to help this stupid fucking world than live knowing that I'm on the side that murders and ruins for no apparent reason! " The younger Slytherin argued.

" Regulus will you stop! "

" Why should I stop! If this had happend - what - two years ago? You would have walked right past me thinking I was just some power crazed lunatic! "

" This is now, though! This is your life and I have grown to care for it more than I would care to admit! "

" Oh get your head out of your arse it's not a hat! " He shouted. " I don't care how much you've grown to care for this shit hole of a life because it's my life and I can do whatever the hell I like with it! "

" Die with whoever comes next but you do not leave me! "

" Bold of you to assume I'm the one that woud leave, James! Last time I checked I wasn't the one who was head over bloody heels for Lily Evans! " He ran a hand through his hair.

" Oh my god do you really think that low of me that you think I would leave you alone because some girl with a pretty face told me to!? "


" Yes. "

And with that he walked away.

This time I didn't think he'd be coming back for a while.

That meant I'd just have to go to him.

And I would.

I really would.

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