Fugitive - Epilogue

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It was as if she had come full circle. When Aubrey had first entered Atlantis all those months ago, she could never had anticipated the journey it would take her on. Then again, she had still been getting over the whole not dead thing. She had been newly dead – or undead, if you wanted to be specific - and thrust into an entirely new world. She certainly would never have anticipated how her life would change.

Taking a deep breath, Aubrey brushed her hands over her ceremonial robes and fought back the wave of imposter syndrome which was fighting to make itself known. Would it ever go away? Because this was it. Though she had been given the title and felt her bond with Atlantis strengthening day by day, this was the first time she would truly be acting as Matriarch.

Knock knock.

Whoever was on the other side of the golden door did not wait to be granted access. Instead, the door swung inwards with a groan. A young man entered baring a tray laden with bowls, jugs, and glasses. He kept his gaze down in respectful deference.

Tiberius, who held the door open with a single hand, watched over his movements with an intense focus. Aubrey met his gaze and raised her brows. He blinked and turned his gaze back to the server.

When they were finally alone, he closed the door softly behind the server's back. He turned the lock. Then, with an exhale, he finally relaxed.

Stepping closer to her mentor, Aubrey briefly considered placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. As she had done before. But he would only flinch and shake it off. He would ask her not to fuss. Instead, she simply put her hands behind her back and offered him a welcoming smile.

"Everything okay?"

For a moment, she thought he was going to open up to her. His eyes clouded and his mouth opened and closed several times. But then, with a shake of his head, he brushed off her concern with a thin lipped smile.

"I should be asking you that question," he said in answer, turning to survey the room. "Everything looks set."

"Yeah, though it feels like I'm missing something."

"It looks like everything is here." He replied before turning his entire attention back to her. "I wanted to speak with you before everything commenced. Waking up in the hospital is still a little clouded within my mind so I wasn't sure if I said it before -."

Tiberius paused and rubbed at his head.

"Said what?" This time, Aubrey gave into the impulse and closed the distance between them, her hand resting upon is arm.

Dropping his head, he reached up and took her hand in his. Then, lifting his haunted gaze to hers, Tiberius murmured, "Thank you."

The words were so heartfelt, it sent a shiver down her spine. And yet, she couldn't stop herself from uttering, "For what?"

"Only you would do the things you have done and then ask that question." He muttered, his scarred face twitching in amusement. "Thank you for saving my life."

"How could I not?" Aubrey replied, her fingers flexing within his hold. "Do you know I could see you in my dreams? I could see what they were doing to you. No one with a conscience could ignore your pain."

"I thought I had dreamed that. I thought my mind was playing tricks on me or that they were finding new ways to torture me." Tiberius stated in a pained voice. "I'm sorry you had to see that."

"No I'm sorry."

"Whatever for?"

"I hate that you went through that because of me. I hate that seeing visions of me caused you more pain." She replied, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "What I don't understand is how I could see and hear you? Is that normal?"

Fugitive (sequel to Becoming Atlantian)Where stories live. Discover now