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Past and last Christmas in Concord

We are spending Christmas at the March's,and I have a surprise for them all,after them all being so kind to me and Laurie I decided to send a letter to the army saying

'hello Mr March,I am Lilith Laurence,you don't know me yet but I'm sure you will,I am very close with your family in concord and they miss you so much I have to do something about it.You should be proud of all of them,your wife Marmee has been helping Mrs Hummel and her babies for a long time now,she sends breakfast and medicines everyday,she is like a mother I never had and plenty of people will say the same.Your little girl,Amy,my best friend,her art work has grown so much it's unreal just like her,she keeps me happy everyday and is one of the mean reasons I wake up each and every morning.Meg,my dear friend,looking after the girls when Marmee isn't around,farming,helping cooking,not to mention her talent for acting she treats everyone with grace and respect.Jo,my brother's bestest friend,she writes stories every night making worlds of her own,she cut her hair to sell for money to help you and Marmee,she saved Amy from drowning in ice water along with my brother,she keeps the days interesting and I imagine you know she can never get boring.Beth my kind friend,her piano skills grow day by day,she plays at my house and gave my grandfather home made slippers which she made herself,she helped mrs Hummel whilst Marmee was away,she is kind to everyone even though she is shy.You should be proud of yourself as well,you went through so much at war I can't even imagine,you are so strong and must be so overwhelmed,please take the money I sent to you and use it to come back home for Christmas.You deserve it and so do the girl's'

He sent to me back saying

'To Lilith Laurence,I know who you are,whenever Amy sends me a letter and she says you are the kindest person ever with a beautiful face and heart which I can tell is true,she also says you have made her the happiest girl in the world so I must thank you for taking care of my little Amy.I also thank you for this opportunity to come back home,I will come back for Christmas and that is a promise.I have heard about your parents and I am so sorry,you said Marmee is like a Mother to me so count me as a father,I insist.I can't wait to see my little women again and see if you are just as beautiful as Amy says you are because she makes it sound impossible,thank you for taking care of my girls,I should be back by dinner time if not earlier,
Love from Mr March'

I smile at the letter and tell Mr Brooke to escort him because he is going that way anyways,Laurie knows about this and hugged me when I told him and some how ended up dancing,I know strange.Mr Brooke comes back with a middle aged man beside him he smiles brightly at me "you must be Lilith Laurence,just as beautiful as Amy says and Laurie just as happy as Jo mentions" I smile brightly before hugging him alone with Laurie "Mr March welcome home" "thank you dear" we sneak him into the house which they couldn't hear because did all the noise they are making,Laurie and Mr Brooke go in the room first before Laurie speaks out "Here's another Christmas gift for the March family" I walk him out into the room and see all the girls faces light up and runs up to him stopping whatever they was doing hugging him tightly.

"My little women.How you've grown" he looks at them with tears in his eyes,I put my hand against my heart because with think it might explode with joy at there faces smiling the brightest I've ever seen them "merry Christmas to each of you" "merry Christmas father" Marmee hugs him longingly "thank god you're home" "thank god for you" he wipes away her tears "now I can be angry with you in person" she laughs and they all hug again before departing and Marmee asks "h-how are you here?" He looks at me for approval and I nod slightly so he smiles at them "Amy...you have a very kind best friend and she sent me a letter telling me all about you and how well you have all been...along with money to come back home" Amy gasps loudly along with all the other girls turning to me, I fiddle with my thumbs nervously before Amy hugs me so tight,tighter than ever.

She kisses my face on my cheeks,forehead,nose and temple's and then she looks at me with tears in her eyes "why are you so kind to me?" "You deserve it,all of you deserve it" she kisses my cheek again causing blush to rise to my cheeks "thank you so so so much" I nod and she refuses to get off me,everyone else joins in on the hug,don't get me wrong I am thankful it's just I need to breathe "thank you but I would like to breathe" they let go of me and Amy let's go off me but still links arms with me.The Christmas dinner is ready and I sit between Amy and Laurie "Amy I have to say,if you don't marry a man,I wouldn't complain if you ended up marrying Lilith" Mr March says and Marmee nudges him "silly,Lilith would be her first option" "that seems right" Amy chokes on her drink and Laurie smirks at me and Meg smiles at Amy but Jo just laughs at her,I pat her back hesitantly.She clears her throat "I uh-I well-Meg will marry Mr Brooke before I marry anyone" she changes the subject quickly causing Mr and Mrs March to chuckle.

"Nothings wrong with admitting love Amy,you should try it" Meg snaps back and me and Mr Brooke just laugh at them "yes but Lilith has every boy wrapped around her finger" Amy replies bringing me into it "I do not" she scoffs "that is a joke,you must be joking" "I am not for once" "every boy in this town wants you and you know that" "yes but I reject every one of them" "thank god" she mutters,Laurie nudges me and I kick him from under the table "Ow!" The attention is on him now and I look at him beggingly "Lilith kicked me" he smirks and my grandfather yells "Lilith what have I told you about kicking your brother" "he did it first" the March's just laugh at us,the evening is filled with laughter,stories,memories and joy,I couldn't ask for more.

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