Chapter 18

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Enkai hummed as Makaira's fingers ran through his long black hair. "Enjoying the pamperment, Enkai?" Kasai asked, grinning. "Very much." Kasai and Makaira chuckled. "Where did you learn to braid?" Enkai asked. "My mother taught me when I was younger." She answered. Kasai sighed as the water surrounded his body.

"You never told us much about your family. What was it like being a little Makaira?" Makaira smiled. "It was just my mother, grandmother, my two uncles, and my older cousin, Sanada. My father died when I was just a child. I do not remember much of him. Sanada's mother left his father when he was only ten and left him to be cared for by my mother, his father, and grandmother." Makaira said.

"Growing up I was trained alongside Sanada. Soon as we got older, he was the one training me. Mother and grandmother taught me magic as a child. Magic ran through the veins of the women in our family. Men could learn but grandmother forbade it. Only women. Family life was your traditional family life. Women had their roles and men had theirs. When I was in my early teenager, I-" Makaira paused.

Her eyes started to water. She took a deep breath. "We lost my mother and my two uncles. All died of an illness that I still do not know. We were left in the care of my grandmother. She raised us the best she could. She died two years later. Ever since then it has just been Sanada and I." Enkai gripped Makaira's hand.

"I am sorry." He said softly. Makaira gave him a sad smile. "Do not be. They are all in a better place." Kasai grabbed her other hand. "In the end, you gained more family. Kasai and I. More importantly, Zuko." Makaira pulled the twins into a hug.

"Thank you for accepting me." She smiled. "You were the one who accepted us first." "This is a very touching moment." The twins pulled away from Makaira. "Zuko?" The voice chuckled. "Think again." A man stepped into view. "Who are you and what are you doing here?"  Makaira growled.

"I could ask you the same question." The man chuckled darkly. His eyes traveled to the twins. "Long time no see." "I would have loved to have kept it that way." Enkai spat. The man pouted. "You did not miss me? Not even a little?"

"No, neither one of us have." Kasai and Enkai stepped in front of Makaira. "What are you doing here, Kira?" Enkai questioned. "I just wanted to see my favorite twins." Kira said. "でたらめキラ!(Bullshit Kira!)." Enkai shouted.

"I missed that fire that you have." Enkai clenched his fist. Makaira placed a hand on the younger twin's shoulder. Kira's red eyes landed on her. "You must be Makaira, Zuko's lover." "And?" Kira showed a toothy smile.

"You are more beautiful than I could ever imagine. No wonder Zuko fought for you when Haruto threatened to steal you. Speaking of Haruto, what happened to him? I believe I heard one of the guards talk about Zuko possibly killing him." Makaira's eyes widened.

"Lies!" Enkai yelled. Kira shrugged. "Who knows. None of you will be around much longer. You are coming with me." Kira told them. Kasai scoffed. "Not without a fight." The twins got into a fighting stance.

"Go to Zuko, Makaira." Kasai ordered. "I can help." "No, leave him to us." Enkai told her. "But-Just go!" Kasai yelled. Makaira ran away. "Let us begin." Kira smirked. Makaira could hear groaning and grunts behind her. No matter how much she wanted to help, she ran away. I am so sorry.

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