Chapter 13

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(A week or two later since the war)

Zuko looked down at a thin and pale Haruto. Haruto has not uttered a word since his capture. "Make this easier on yourself, Haruto and tell me why you decided to invade my kingdom." Zuko said. Haruto coughed.

"Like I would dare say a word to you." He darkly chuckled. "If you do explain why then your sentence will be shorter." "For a second I thought you were going to say that I would be let go."

"This is not a game, Haruto." Haruto only smiled, angering the young king even more. "Haruto, enough with these games! Answer my question!" Zuko shouted. A hand found Zuko's shoulder. "Calm down my king." Sakura said.

Zuko's eyes softened once they met the fox's. "The more angrier you become, the more amused he is." Sakura told him. "He toys with me. How can I not?" Sakura sighed.

"Let me handle him." Sakura said. Zuko nodded. He leaned up against a wall. Sakura leaned down to Haruto's level. She examines his body. He was terribly thin to the point you could see his bones. 

She looked to her left. A tray of food sat beside him. It looked untouched. "You have not been eating, why?" She asked. "Why would l need food if I already know that Zuko will have me killed. I thought it would be best if I starve myself before he could kill me." Haruto replied.

Sakura turned back to Zuko. He shook his head. Sakura turned back to Haruto. "Zuko does not plan to kill you." Haruto scoffed. "I give you my word that no harm will come to you if you cooperate with us." Haruto searched her eyes for any sign of a lie. He nodded when he couldn't find any hint of one.

"Now why did you attack us?" Sakura asked. "I was offered a deal. Take over the kingdom and in return, make him my second in command. If I took over your kingdom, I would be rewarded with land, people, and a beautiful queen who could give many offspring.
I, of course, took the offer. Sadly, I failed. " Haruto explained.

"This person, did he mention what would happen if you failed?" Sakura questioned. Haruto shook his head. "Well do you know his name?" Zuko asked. "Yes. His name is-" An arrow struck Haruto in the neck, killing him.

Zuko quickly grabbed Sakura and pulled her away from the window's view. "What in the world?" Zuko peeped out the window, in search of where the arrow could have possibly come from.

"Do you see anyone?" Sakura asked. "No, I do not see them. I cannot even figure out where it came from." Zuko and Sakura stood up fully.

"Whoever it was, did not want us to find out about them." Sakura said,"with our only major lead dead, we can only keep our eyes open." "Agreed." "Are we going to involve Makaira?" Zuko paused for a moment.

"Not too much for her to worry. Only let her know to watch herself when she leaves the castle." Sakura nodded. "What about him?" Sakura asked. "We bury him. Let him rest within our cemetery with the others. It would be disrespectful for us to dump his body in the ocean."

"Why not send him back to his homeland?" "His original home was here with us. His grandfather was buried here. Bury him by his family." Sakura nodded before leaving. Zuko kneeled down to Haruto's level.

The arrow was still stuck in his throat. Haruto's eyes were still wide open as blood poured from his mouth. Zuko sighed as he closed Haruto's eyes. Lay in peace Haruto.

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