Chapter 14

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Makaira was finally home after staying a week with Zuko. To be honest, she was a little happy to be home. As much as she loved sleeping beside Zuko, she preferred her own space in her bed.

"Look who finally returned home." Makaira smiled. "Hello Sanada." She smiled. "Hello Makaira. How was your little sleepover with the king?" Sanada asked. "It was," Makaira paused before answering, "magical." Sanada chuckled. "By your expression, I can tell that you and him got to know each other pretty well."

Makaira bit her lip. "You could say that." Sanada smiled as he shook his head. "How was training?" Makaira asked. "Tiring. None of those men have never seen a sword in their lifetime." Sanada sighed. "That bad?" Sanada nodded. He sat down next to her.

Makaira noticed a marking on his arm. "Did you get that scar from one of the men?" Makaira asked. "What scar?" Makaira pointed to it. "Oh that. Yes, I received it when I was sparring with one of the men." Makaira examined it.

The scar didn't look like a sword, spear, or an arrow piercing. "I do not believe him." Sakura said. "I agree but we can not know for sure." Makaira replied.

"Did you say something?" Sanada questioned. "No, I did not." "Oh okay. Well I think I will go to bed early tonight." "Okay. Goodnight Sanada." "Goodnight Makaira." Sanada stood up and left.

Makaira watched Sanada walk away. Sakura appeared beside Makaira, also watching him. "Something feels strange about him but I just do not know what." Sakura told her.

"Yes, I agree but we can not just make accusations without any proof." "I know. We should keep an eye on him for now." Makaira nodded. What are you up to, Sanada?

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