Plan in Motion

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Sans and dadster continued modifications and you went for a walk to think. You walked around the lab, long since free of the amalgamates. You were scared to lose Sans. That much was true. He was probably scared too. Scared to lose you, scared to lose his son. He wouldn't let ferality take him if he could help it. You would trust him not to get hurt. You had to remember that he dealt longer with the Player than you did. Sure your experience had been more up close and personal, but he'd fought them hundreds of times before you even met him. He was still the more experienced between the two of you. Of course, you still be hiding somewhere around here, you couldn't be with [C/ N] until this was all over to keep him safe. I'd likely be in another room though. Somewhere they wouldn't notice you. You had an idea of where that would be. There was a room with a purple curtain you could hide behind. It wasn't to far from the Extractor, but also in a place they wouldn't think to look. "[Y/N]! where'd ya go?" Your mate called out to you. "I'm coming Sans!"

As you came in dadster was screwing on the last panel. "What's up?" You asked. "almost ready to put the plan in motion. just gotta put that back and reconnect some things. are you ready?"
"Debatable. I'm ready to get rid of sir murders alot, I'm not ready for the danger it implies. I trust you though, I know you'll come back." He chuckled. "i'm glad. know where to hide?" You nodded. "I've got it, Wild." He pulled you close and kissed you deeply. "wish me luck, gracious.."
"Good luck, Wild.."
"Sans, [Y/N] now really isn't the time." Dadster interrupted. With a heavy sigh, Sans went to help put the Extractor back together.

Sans POV

[Y/N] hid once we put the Extractor back together. Now here I was, going to face off against the Player hopefully for the last time. The quiet of the warehouse district was interrupted with a click. I was doing this without the cuffs. They knew I was feral anyway, so it made my job of not getting captured a lot easier. Though it was also a bit easier to go feral, feral if I did have to pull them in myself. Soon I was tucking the cuffs, taking one last long inhale to confirm I was in the right place. Oh, yeah I was. Breaking into the warehouse was easy. "Sans!" I threw a phalange up, shushing Savanah. "Oh my stars darling, y-you're eyes." Oh right, he was on tour when I confessed. "later robot. i'm gonna get you out of here."
"Oh Sansy~"
"after i take care of them." I jumped away as the knife came down, landing in a crouched position as my tail whipped out to balance me. "come on kid, you know that won't work against me." They glowered. "Oh? Feral are we? You must be very desperate to keep me away from your lover." As the finished that, they ran at me. I was up and running in an instant partially leading, partially attacking as I did throw some bones at them. They weaved around my attacks easily. "you can't have her, brat. i won't allow it." I snarled as I weaved around their knife. I grabbed their arm, twisting it behind their back. "Comedian!"
"brb, if i don't get ya, the police will." I teleported off with the Player.

"The lab, Comedian? What are you planning?" I shrugged. "my initial destination was the c.o.r.e, but this will do." Falsify that a tad in hope that they think that I was going to send them to the void. "Well, isn't that to bad!" They lunged with the knife yet again and I ducked away, scrambling to the door to the C.O.R.E. "Oh no you don't!" And just as they got in front of the elevator, I fired a blaster to weaken them/shove them inside. I followed, taking the fight to the confines of the small space. A dangerous combination for us, we may just fall instead. I avoided attacks and clawed at them every chance I got. Get their hp to drop more, without killing them. I rolled out of the elevator and back onto my paws when the doors finally opened. They'd almost had me, but I escaped again.

The battle raged down the hall as I slowly, but surely led them down to the Extractor. "You wouldn't be so stupid as to extract Frisk's determination." They stated. "You liked Frisk, they are your friend. That's how I know you won't kill me either. They can't reset." I turned on the machine with a remote control that we wired to the Extractor. "then you don't know how far i'm willing to go to protect my mate." I opened the machine and the Player tried to make a break for it. "oh no you don't." I repeated their earlier words, turning their soul blue and pulling them to me. After I plucked away their knife, I dragged them to the machine and Magiced them inside before closing it. They weren't giving up without a fight though. They reached out, snagging my shirt, trying to pull me inside. Someone else grabbed me from behind, pulling me from their grasp. Their arms disappeared inside just as the Extractor closed and started. I turned, expecting [Y/N]. Instead I saw one of dad's floating hands. "heh. so you were the one who didn't trust me."
"Not true. I just didn't want you to lose your family." He replied.

Sans POV?

Your POV?

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