Home Sweet Home

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You groaned and lifted your head. Your alarm was going off, telling you that it was time for you to go to work. You shut it off and went to sit up, only to be pulled back and hugged from behind. You could feel your soul mates skull burrowed into your back. "Sans. Wakey, wakey, eggs and bacey."
"nooooo. 'm comfy."
"We go through this everyday. You gotta get up for work."
"don' wanna. wanna cuddle." He hugged you a little tighter, his tail curled around your legs, thoroughly trapping you. "Wild, dear, it's your first day working with your dad after all these years. Aren't you excited?" He lifted his head. "course i am! i'm just enjoying my time with you more, right now. 'specially after last week." Right.. last week. "About that.. how often do, uh, skeletons go into season?"
"not often actually. once every five to ten years." Your eyes went wide and you flipped around to face him. "That long?! Why!?" That.. was a long time. "there's a reason why we are rare. before the war, there was no demand in skeletons, so we evolved to have.. longer breaks between breeding.. not to mention i'm technically artificial." He explained. He looked at me with his beautiful golden slits. He no longer wore his cuffs to bed and you were perfectly ok with that. "Not to me~." You purred, making him blush. You pecked his cheekbone. "Now come on! Get up!"


It's been nearly a year since monsters were freed from the Underground. Many had gone out to see the world, but you and your friends had stuck around the same neighborhood in Ebbot City. When we were figuring out house arrangements, we put soulmates together. It was Sans' idea.


"So.. Toriel, Asgore, and Asriel." The parent goats shared a look while Asriel beamed. "It won't be that bad, you are soul mates! You can work it out." He assured. "my dad and grillby." The two males blushed and looked away from each other, still in denial. "Undyne and Alphys." The scientist blushed as the bartender kissed her. "and mettaton and pap." Sans concluded to which Papyrus' sockets widened. "B-BUT SANS.."
"he's your soul mate bro. who am i to keep ya apart?" Papyrus hugged Sans. "THANK YOU.. SO MUCH.."
"Wait what about you, my friend?" He grabbed your hand. "livin with my mate, of course."


You made a quick breakfast of toast as Sans made his way to the kitchen. "Looking fancy in that science getup." You complemented. He was in his usual white T with black jeans and a lab coat. His cuffs were on and hidden. His eyelights back to what was considered normal. You pulled out a BBQ bottle and some peanut butter for your own toast. "Here you go, Wild." He gratefully accepted the toast and beverage. "Thanks, Gracious." You spread the peanut butter on your toast and sprinkled it in sugar. You started calling him Wild about a week after we moved in. He'd gotten flustered and asked why. You told him that it was because you were looking for a cute nickname to call him and came up with Wild even though he was tame when feral. In turn he started calling you Gracious because of how sweet you were. You took a bite of your toast and checked the time. "Oh- I gotta go! Undyne will kill me!"
He caught you around the waist. "eat first. undyne will understand." You leaned into Sans and nommed onto your toast. "I don't want to be late.."
"i'll take ya myself."
"Fine." You hummed.


You came home after a long day of waiting tables at Undyne's bar and grill. Sans would probably be at the lab all night. He hadn't worked in the lab in forever after all. To your surprise, the dinning room light was on. You walked over curious. There stood Sans, in a tux, with the table set for three. "I thought you'd still be at work.."
"called off. i have a surprise for you." You looked around. "I'm already surprised. There's more than a dinner with my boyfriend?" He chuckled. "yep." The doorbell rang. "ay! perfect timing. it's for you." You looked to him, then to the door. "Who is it?"
"that'd ruin the surprise now, wouldn't it?" You looked back to the door.

Answer it?

Leave it?

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