Another Dinner Surprise

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Sans called up everyone while you made dinner. We decided that all of our friends should know, so Gaster, Grillby, Papyrus, Mettaton, Toriel, Asgore, Frisk, Asriel, Undyne, and Alphys were all coming. You called Savanah who said she'd attend as well, but would be a little late. "so what's cookin, good lookin."
"That was so cheesy." You laughed. He grinned at you. "i know." His arms encircled around your waist as you named off tonight's dinner. "So I've got Alfredo chicken in the oven, your brother will love it, sweet corn, tuna salad, steamed green beans, and baby carrots. For drinks I set out that red wine that needs to be drank, root beer, sprite and cherry syrup for kiddy cocktails, water, and apple juice. Sound ok?"
"kiddy cocktails?"
"Never had one?"
"nope. they good?"
"Pour yourself a glass and see for yourself."
"how much?" He grabbed a glass and a can of sprite. "3/4 sprite, 1/4 cherry syrup. Add a couple of the cherries if you want, they add flavor."
"mm. kiddos 'll love this." His tail wagged as he took another sip. "I used to down 20 at Christmas.. and wedding parties.. and other holidays and big events.."
"in other words whenever you could."
"Pretty much."

There was a knock at the door. "i'll get it." Sans disappeared as you set the table. You were curious about everyone's reactions to this news. You were still nervous about the whole thing, but excitement was starting to take over. You were having a baby with Sans! Your soul mates baby! You shivered a little. Yet.. a baby was a lot of responsibility.. you knew you could handle responsibility, you've done it most of your life. You knew Sans could too. He raised Papyrus as a child himself. Would you have the money for the expenses you'd have to save more for the baby.. but! The others could, and most likely would, help in shopping for the baby. Would it look like a human? Would it look like a skeleton? Would it look like both? Was it a boy? Was it a girl? So many questions. So much worry. So much- a hand grabbed yours and you jumped. Sans. It was Sans. "you were doing it again."
"Doing what?" Undyne asked. "stressin." He replied as Alphys, Papyrus, and Mettaton came in. "Worry is so not you, darling! Turn that frown upside-down!" Mettaton chirped. "MAYBE I CAN HELP?"
"you all can." You nodded along to Sans statement. "S-so what's th-this dinner about a-anyway?" Alphys asked.
"You'll see. Where's Gaster, Grillby, and the Dreamurr's?"
"Asriel and Frisk joined band. Toriel and Asgore are picking them up." Undyne explained. "FATHER HAD TO WORK LATE SO GRILLBY IS WAITING FOR HIM." Papyrus concluded .

As soon as they got here everyone started eating. "I hope whatever this is about is good." Gaster grumbled. "who says i don't just wanna be with family?" Sans replied evenly. "YOU HATE GET TOGETHERS, BROTHER."
"Pap has a point, Wild." Sans faked sulking. "that hurts, [Y/N].."
"Poor baby.." You cooed. "DID I HEAR BABY!" Savanah's head poked in. "hey savanah."
"Hi Savanah. Get a plate and have a seat." You invited. "Hello, child. I'm Toriel."
"Savanah. [Y/N]'s childhood friend."
"Careful she gets.. rough. Anyway. Savanah meet Sans' dad, Dr. Gaster, his mate-"
"We are NOT mates."
"Grillby, Sans' brother Papyrus, his mate Mettaton-" Grillby waved as Papyrus shouted "HELLO CHILDHOOD FRIEND OF [Y/N]'S"
"Hello darling~."
"Alphys and her mate Undyne."
"Hey punk."
"And the Dreamurr's, Toriel, Asgore, and Asriel."
"Howdy!" Asriel and Asgore chimed. "Guys, meet Savanah. As she said we were friends since high school."
"So.. what's this about?"

Everyone was there. They were waiting. Sans looked as you and tilted his head. 'I got this.' You mouthed. "ya sure? you're already stressing."
"I've got this." You assured. "I'm getting kinda excited, really." He was smiling. "if your sure. i'm glad you're excited. i am too." His tail was going again. "What are you talking about?"
"Well.. I'm pregnant." Silence. "went in rut a week ago." Sans stated as if it explained everything. It seemed to as the entire table buzzed with talk. "This is great news indeed!"
"CONGRATULATIONS BROTHER, SISTER!" S-sister?! "I KNEW there was something up!"
"S-skeleton babies!"
"Or human babies?"
"Skele-human babies!" A knocked resounded. "gracious.. did ya invite anyone else over?" You shook your head. "You?" He bristled. "no." A low growl rumble in his throat. "We leave it?"
"i don't know.. it could be pizza?"
"You ordered pizza?"
"no.. but they could just have the wrong address?"
"Maybe.. none of my enemies.. he.. shouldn't know where I live." Sans growled again at the mention of him.

Answer the door?

Leave it?

Yes this question again.

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