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Do you remember a time 

When everything was clean a pure

No worries about life

Not needing to take a detour 

When everything was all right

No pain and sorrow

No wars, poverty, or being scared of tomorrow

Can you remeber a day, that you havent yet cried

Where you were truley happy for a little while on the inside

Oh i can, yes i can of course

Im not perfect, but i dont need you to tell me your remorse

Theres going to be many of those days

That you just feel like giving up

Dont let your fears succumb you

You have to just keep on moving to the top 

Because in the end, your life is yours

And you made what you become

Dont let the scary tunel

On the way to your success

Make you turn around

Remeber to always think of the best

I know it may get hard at times

With the obstacles you might face

Just have guts and be brave

Because life is life, and you have to take that risk

Or you'll never feel right on inside, and you'll always be wondering, "what if"

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