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The next morning, I got up to find Kalyan getting dressed for work.
"Good morning,". I greeted him, and he turns and charmingly answered me, "good morning Alina,". He picks up his jacket and walked to the door, he left, penciling a second glance at me still in bed.

Something is going on with kaylan.
All of a sudden, he is acting differently.
Do I need to know why?...

I came down from the bed eventually and walked into the bathroom to change.
A few hours later, I joined the family at the breakfast table.
They were all chatting with each other when I grabbed a seat to sit down.
"Alina, good morning dear,"   Kaylan's mom said to me, as she passed me a bowl of soup closer.
I collected the bowl, "good morning ma'am,'. I responded, wrapping my hands around it.

I peered at everyone.
There seem to be something going on today, everyone materializes to be in a happy mood.
Kaylan saunters in our midst.
"Good morning mom and dad,". He passes his eyes away before facing grandfather, "good morning grandfather,". He held a chair out and gently sat on it.

Right next to me.
I looked at him... Kaylan turns and the second our eyes met, he smiles, taking away his attention back.
..... Grandpa suddenly rose from the chair,
he tells us he had something to say.
He met kaylan and said, " happy birthday my son,".....
Instantly I fixed all the puzzle pieces together, and concluded, that the only reason why everyone is acting all festive today is that kaylan is celebrating his birthday today.
No wonder his acting is all charming...

Kaylan's mom later implied that they throw a party for her son.
"Yes, that's a good idea,".. grandfather seconded her suggestions.
He gawked at Kaylan, " son! Do you have anything to say, shouldn't we celebrate your birthday,?". Grandpa asked allowing kaylan to speak up.
Kaylan flinched for a while before answering back, "I'm okay with everything you want, " he looked at me, " I don't mind having a party tonight,",  He accepted, amassing passage to my eyes...
I felt unusual and abruptly looked away.

After some time kaylan gets a call and left.
A few minutes while he left,  Mrs. Anna gave me a task for tonight's party, "dear, can you please go and order the cake,". she writes down an address on a plain sheet of paper and passed it to me, " can you?". She raised a question.

I don't think that she can ask me twice about going to get the cake for Kaylan's party.
"Yes, do not worry, I'll go pick up the cake,". I pulled away from the chair navigating towards the front door.

A car was already waiting for me.

I came to the cake shop, it was across the street.
I stepped down from the car, crossing over. I was just about to walk inside when I noticed kaylan and Katie, seated at a coffee shop right next to me.

There was both talking, sitting at the window. It faced me directly.

Instantly, I paved away getting instead to the coffee shop.
"Ma'am, can I help you?", A waiter came out and interrupted me at the door.

I stared around and behind, the table I saw kaylan and Katie talking on, all of a sudden, was empty.
"Was anyone sitting there?" I asked the waiter, pointing in the same direction.
The waiter turned around and said," no ma'am, no one," she returned her gaze to me, " do you want that table?". She asked.....
"No, thank you,". I shook my head and left...

I'm going insane.
I did see kaylan talking with Katie, right?.....
Or is my mind playing tricks on me?

I don't know, but I've got a strange feeling that something bad is going to happen.

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