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After having the water,   I turned around to leave when Mrs. Anna rode past heading to the study room,  strangely, she was tiptoeing her way Inside.
I followed her in the same manner.
At the door, I listened to her conversation on the phone.

"Why are you calling Steve?".
She said trying not to scream...

I kept on listening.

I got to understand, based on everything I heard, that Steve seems to be more than a friend to Mrs. Anna.
It felt like she was being blackmailed, but why?...

While listening, I don't know that Kaylan's dad was slowly making his way toward me.
He placed his hands on my shoulders, turning me back to his curious gaze
"Hey! What are you doing here?" He says, looking at the door of the study room.

What do I say?
I'm I to tell him that his wife may or may not be blackmailed by an individual called Steve.

I moved a little from the door when Mrs. Anna strode outside and saw us.

"Alina, my dear, what are you both doing here?
She asked. Staring at her husband.

"I don't know dear, I saw her standing at the door, so I'm curious to find out,"...
Kaylan's dad says to his wife
Mr. Anna faced me, "why were you standing at the door Alina?" She also wants to know.

I stared unable to speak.
When suddenly, grandfather walks into our midst with his grumpy face.
"Hey, why aren't you guys sleeping?"? He says.

"So sorry grandfather, I'll go now,". I said immediately making a run to my bedroom.
Phew..... Thank God,  grandfather came right on time and saved me, I don't think, I'll be able to give any response to Mrs. Anna and her husband.

I rushed inside the room and locked the door.

Kaylan was fast asleep, I left the door, walking on to grab the mat, I kept behind the wardrobe.
I placed it on the ground and shortly dozed off.

While sleeping, I felt like I was being moved, I thought maybe I must be hallucinating, however the feeling of having the breeze on my skin, I opened my eyes, singly to see myself, and my mat on the balcony.

I screamed inside my head. Since I couldn't scream out loud

I went to the door. I grabbed the doorknob to leave, merely to notice again that it was locked from the outside.

I slammed on the door. Hoping, anyone would at least hear and unlock it for me.

And if that wasn't enough, there was a big thunderstorm and it began to rain afterward.

I looked around, yearning there was someplace to hide from the rain, however nothing, everywhere was open, prone to getting bitten by the heavy rain.

I grabbed my blanket as I slowly bent down and wrapped myself.
The rain soaked me so much that I began to sneeze.

I shivered under the rain.

I tried to get up, but I slipped by accident,  and hew right into the arms of kaylan.


We both shared a look at each other.
"You'll .. pay.... For... This,".
In a shuddering breath, I said to him.

Kalyan pulls me up in his arms and he carried me back inside.
"Don't talk please, I'm so sorry". He says, taking me into his arms.

I had so much to say to him but I was so weak, that I fell unconscious.


The next morning, I heard voices around me, I unlocked my eyes just to see Kaylan's parents,  and grandfather surrounding me.

kaylan walks in with the doctor.
"Doctor, can you please check on my wife?"
He says as we looked at each other


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