Chapter 14

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(Note: I am skipping the usj incident, I think it would be pretty predictable from a story standpoint so just assume shigaraki wasn't feeling it that day I dunno)

Izuku was in bed one morning when he decided to work out. He put on his soft pink hoodie and walked to the door to run. He began to run around the school and was surprised to see Ashido running as well. "Hey ashido he said while running up to her. "Oh hey Izuku." She replied. "Why are you running?" He questioned. "Training for the sports festival." Ashido said focusing on running. "oh wow, I forgot that was coming up." Izuku said.

'The U.A. Sports festival. An anual event where student heroes at U.A. Paticipate in a competition of sorts to train their quirks and gain the attention of pros for future prospects in hero work. It is attended by thousands of citizens and viewed around the world. It has become the olympics for a world of quirks and
heroes.' Izuku thought "anyway, why are you out here?" Ashido questioned. "I need to keep training myself if I want to train you." He said.

After about 10 minutes they returned and grabbed a water to drink. "Get the rest of the class for me." Izuku said. Everyone began to group into the same room as izuku and he was ready to talk. "Hello everyone, it has come to my attention that the sports festival is coming up and to make sure you don't make 1-A look like a bunch of idiots, I am going to personally train you for the next 3 weeks." He said making people nervous. "Now...let's get started. Everyone go to gym gamma." Everyone did so without hesitation.

He got into a gym uniform and walked to gym gamma. When he got there he saw everyone in their gym uniforms as well. "Okay today we are going to train your quirks." Earning confused looks from the students. "Aren't you here to do the exact opposite of that?" Someone said. "Yes but this is a special case. You are going to compete against people who have been training their quirks alongside you, so you must come ahead."

(Im feeling too lazy to write a training regimen this time so just work with me here)

After a few hours he believed that they had trained enough today and he dismissed everyone. He walked to his room and decided to train himself. He ate an apple and walked outside. He began by putting in his headphones and ran around the track for about an hour. He was dripping sweat and severely dehydrated. He kept running however and didn't stop. "Izuku?" He turned to see Ashido looking at him half afraid and half concerned. "Oh hey Ashid-" THUD.

He woke up in the infirmary and was feeling drowsy. He looked at his arm and saw an IV connected to it, he had gone through several bags. "Ah you are awake." Recovery girl said. "Yeah I'm up." He said. He got up and began to stand up, which was met with a punch in the gut. "Are you insane sonny!? You have been severely dehydrated and the first thing you do when you wake up is to work your body even more!" Recovery girl was furious with him. He took out his iv, "I'm fine, thank you for your concern but I am in no need of assistance." He said as he left. He went to his dorm room and slept.

He woke up to hearing a few people yelling and he got up, dressed in a shirt and sweatpants. He saw a crowd hovering over the door of the 1-A dorms. "They are analyzing their competition." He thought as he walked up to the crowd. "They think they are all high and mighty but they all look like a bunch of idiots to me." One person chuckled. The crowd began to insult them by saying they got all of the attention or that they were spoiled brats who will never be heroes. This of course made izuku upset. He walked up to the group and they all looked at him. "And just who the hell are you?" Someone asked. "My name is izuku midoriya nice to meet you." He said. A few students chuckled "you look like a delinquent to me, put on your uniform and quit tarnishing the U.A. Reputation. I hate you trash the most." A blonde haired student said. "Just shut up you idiot! You know nothing about him! He is not a delinquent, he is better than you will ever be!" Uraraka said. "Yeah, get lost!" Kirishima yelled. "Thanks guys but I got this." Izuku said as he walked up to a student.

The student touched another person's arm and his nails became blades. 'he seems to have a copy quirk and by looking at his stature he is cocky, he will be easy to take care of.  "Ahem..." he cleared his throat "what is your name? he asked the student. "Neito Monoma." he said as he charged izuku and slashed at him. of course he dodged with ease and threw him to the ground. Everyone gasped at his actions. "my name is izuku midoriya. I am the class 1-A quirkless combat instructor, please leave before I make you."

"thanks midoriy-" kirishima was cut off "just call me izuku." izuku said. "okay then thanks izuku!" he replied. "yeah thanks man!" kaminari said. he began to be thanked by everyone as he walked back to his room. "Good job izuku." eraserhead said as he passed Izuku. "did you just tease me?! And here I though the only thing you could do is grumble and drink coffee." izuku said teasing Aizawa back. "Shut it, to me you are just a kid like them, nothing else. you just happened to be skilled at fighting." Aizawa said as he walked away.

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