Chapter 5

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Izuku now knew and had notes on every students quirk. He was then ready to start training them. "Alright everyone go to training room gamma for quirkless combat training. He said as he walked toward the aforementioned room.

Once everyone was in their gym uniforms and in gym gamma, he began the lesson. "Okay from looking at all of you, I can tell that you are all able to at least utilize hand-to-hand combat. Which is the simplest form of quirkless combat." He explained "since you all know the basics I would like to see where each of you are in skill level, pair off with a classmate and spar until someone is knocked down. If you are knocked down or you fall out of your area, you are out. from now until the end of class no quirks shall be used. This means no emitter or transformation quirks can be activated and mutant quirks cannot be utilized. If a quirk is used, you will have to spar against me instead, and I can assure you that you will lose. With that being said begin!" He said. While he was explaining he took chalk and drew areas around the room so people could spar.

Everyone had a partner and were fighting then at one point a boy with blonde hair and a tail was in a corner of the area and he used his tail to jump up and over his opponent. Izuku ran over to the boy and grabbed him. "Now you will spar with me." He said in a deadpan voice. They got ready to spar while others were watching. They were curious to say the least, no one has actually seen the vigilante fight before. Izuku deactivated his quirk. "To keep things fair, I will not use my quirk either. Nor will i use any weapons" Izuku said as he got into a fighting stance 'i have never seen that stance before' ojiro thought "ready...go!" He yelled as they both ran into action. Ojiro threw a punch at izuku's side. Izuku blocked it and hit ojiro in the gut. And like that it was over. In only a matter of 3 seconds izuku won.

"How did you do that?" Some people asked "where did you learn to fight?" Ojiro asked as he got up off of the floor. " where. I really only learned from watching hero fights and analyzing their moves." He said. Everyone was shocked. "You learned at home?!" Everyone yelled in unison. 'How could someone so skilled only have learned at home from watching tv?' Ojiro thought. "Anyway back to your arenas and continue sparring." Izuku said.

About 30 minutes later everyone was done sparring. "Good job guys, I honestly didn't think you would all be this good at hand-to-hand combat. Now everyone line up." He said. Everyone was in line starting with a pink girl. He walked over to her. "So what n-!" She immediately was met with green eyes behind a mask looking at her body closely.

He looked at her from head to toe all while writing in his notebook. "What are you doing to her!" A few people yelled. "Oh calm down ya pervs, im just taking notes on you all." He said while writing. He took notes of everyone's body shape and size as well as their weak points so he knew what to work on with later.

"Okay that concludes our class today. If you would like to work with me one on one I live in the dorms apparently they didn't trust me to live off campus. so don't be afraid to come by and ask for assistance. I'm totally happy to help!" He said while taking off his mask. "Oh yeah...I'm sokudo by the way."

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