Chapter 3

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Izuku was patching himself up at home. He was getting worried because he has had a few close calls with his mom, but for now she still had no idea...

3 hours later

Izuku was not healed yet but it was time for patrol, so he got into his uniform and took off with a cup of coffee in his hand. He heard some screaming and decided to check it out. He grabbed a knife and cautiously walked toward the noise. He saw a young woman in a work uniform cornered by a large man. He slashed at the mans side to get some distance from him and the woman. He looked back and didn't notice izuku. "Who did that!?" He yelled. Izuku smirked "just a suicidal vigilante." He said as he went in for a punch. He was surprisingly strong for his small physique so this punch did have a pretty big effect.  The man fell down and looked around for his attacker and saw nothing. Izuku turned off his quirk giving the man a good look at his mask before knocking his out with a clean punch to the head.

He tied up the man and left a note for the police. He walked over to the woman and made sure she was okay. "Are you hurt? Did he do anything to you?" He asked concerned to which thankfully she said no. He helped her up and began to ask some more questions like; "do you need help getting home, do you live by yourself, is there anyone you want me to contact?" She asked if he could help her home to which he happily did so.

He took her home and helped her inside, "so...are you okay to stay by yourself? This may sound a bit creepy but, do you want me to stay here for a while? you know if you still don't feel safe, I know stuff like this can really mess with your head." He asked politely. She thought for a sec and shook her head yes. Although he really didn't need to because she fell asleep within 5 minutes. He looked around for a name just in case but he came up short so he decided to call it a day and go home.

On his way back he stopped by a store and picked up some supplies.

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