The whole story

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So it all started when I was four. Me and my best friend were inseparable, most of the people in my class had begun to develop their quirks but I still had not shown any signs yet. My mom got worried and took me to the doctor. "Miss, It appears that your son will indeed get a quirk any day now, all you need is a little patience." The doctor said as my eyes beamed. This meant I could still be a hero my dream was still in tact, I was so excited. Little did I know how fast something can go downhill.

Two weeks later I woke up and went out of my room to see my mom and she couldn't see me at all. I thought it was cool at first but the other kids didn't think so. They began to bully me by calling me names like deku and my best friend became my worst nightmare. Everyday he began to beat me up, steal my money, and I became everyone's punching bag.

I became depressed, suicidal, and a victim of merciless bullying over the years. And the worst had yet to come. This went on for years to the point where my mom even began to abuse me after people began to shun her, and avoid talking to her because her son had such a useless quirk all of that changed during my last year of middle school. The bullying had escalated into beating me into a bloody pulp. My peers would hit me, use their quirks on me, and the teachers did nothing. People wrote on my desk things like 'useless', 'kill yourself', 'deku', 'worthless', or even death threats. Then on the last day of school, my former best friend told me to take a swan dive of the roof of the building and walked away chuckling.

I even considered it and was about to jump when I was saved. A hero who I looked up to told me that my quirk was great for a hero but I couldn't achieve my dream with it. My dream was shattered, I had no friends, and now my idol denied me my one wish. From that day forward I had decided to become a hero, one way or another.

I went home and locked myself in my room. I would watch every hero video I could, I analyzed their moves and adapted their fighting styles into my own. I began to train my body to the point where I could fight someone bigger than me under the right conditions. I began to train my quirk, I activated my quirk for hours on end until it became second nature. I even figured out how to deactivate it completely. Lastly I began to train my analysis skills even further. Becoming able to notice the smallest of details.

Then came time to make my suit. I began to sew together a black jumpsuit and mask to better fit in with the nighttime environment. I became proficient in sewing after all I had sewed together my class uniform every time I got a beating at school. I then took some knives and a first aid kit from the kitchen and trained myself in all of them before I went out on patrol. The kid who was bullied mercilessly was dead, in his place was a more confident, and powerful vigilante.

After two months I was able to help people in a different way. I was bound by no rules except for 5 of my own

1. No killing

2. Always keep fighting until you die

3. Your job is not to fight criminals, it is to inspire people

4. In the face of danger, smile

5. Never let anyone else suffer at the hands of society again

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