It's Time

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8 years later

It had been a world win of events these last eight years. I gave birth to healthy faternal twins who we named Elliot and Olivia.

At first being thrown into not one, but two babies was terrifying, but Noah and my parents were there every step of the way.

Noah continued to play hockey and we ended up winning 2 cups. One day out of the blue when the twins had just turned 4, Noah came to me and told me he wanted to retire.

He was only 28, but he didn't want to miss anymore of the twins growing up and I understood. Between the two of us we had more than enough money to live comfortable for the rest of our lives.

I was still the GM of the Red Wings, but with young kids I was sending the Assistant GM on more of the road trips so I didn't have to be away much either.

On the day Noah and I went to Tony and Gerry to tell them that they weren't losing one, but both of us, it was hard.

We promised to fulfill the remainder of the year contract, but neither of us would be renewing at the end.

They understood and let us know that we would always have a home in the Red Wings organization.

After we both were retired at the ripe old age of 29, we started to take more active role in the kids day to day lives.

Both of them once the hit five wanted to be just like their dad and we enrolled them in hockey.  Noah took on the role of coach and I took on the role of team manager.  We loved every moment of watching them first learn to skate and then actually get really at hockey.

By the time they were seven, Noah decided to by the arena down then street and run some hockey programing for the local youth.  Kids from far and wide came to be coached by Noah Rollins and I helped with the day to day running of the arena and recreation centre.

Life was continuing on as expected, but in the back if my mind was always that eight year mark when Anslee was eligible for parol.

Our lawyer contacted us about three months before her parol hearing and asked if we wanted to be there to read our victim's impact statement.

There was no way I was going there.  Once was enough for me seeing her and I didn't want her to have the statisfaction of intimidating me.

Noah stuck true to his word and did all her could to protect us.  He toyed with crossing that line of legality, but in the end didn't.

He did however pay a guard at the jail to keep tabs on Anslee. What she was doing and who she was making friends with. The last report we got was that she is planning to live with one of the guards she started a relationship with.

I was hoping she had moved on and would leave me the hell alone once she got out.

I woke up on the day of her parole hearing and went down to the arena to work after I had dropped off the kids. The hearing was at 10;00 am and around 12:00 Noah came into my office.

"Hear anything yet?"

"Not a word and I am starting to get antsy just waiting. I mean what if they actually release her No. She'll come after me, after our kids," I say and start to panic a little.

Noah wraps his arms around. "We'll be ready for anything. You have taken all those self defence classes and have been working out so hard over these last eight years. We moved, so she has no clue now where we live and I have a hired a private security company to watch the twins. They have handeled situations like these before and will be discreate when they are in school."

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