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A loud very annoying tone is coming from the nightstand beside me.  My eyes open and I realize it's my alarm on my phone.

I quickly shut it off and look at the time.  "Fuck how did 7:00 am come so fast," I say out loud.

I hear a loud groan come from beside me and I quickly turn my head and come face to face with a very shirtless and hung over Noah Rollins.

"What the hell was that noise," I hear him say.

"Sorry it was my alarm," I whisper back. 

He rolls over and grabs his pillow and goes back to sleep.  Grabbing my phone I get out of bed and quietly shut my bedroom door.

I start some coffee and dial Mark's number.

"Hey Tiff," he says.

"Hey Mark.  Listen I won't becoming into the office today.  Something happened with Noah and I ended up picking him up from a bar at 2:00 a.m. this morning," I say.

"What the hell happened?  Was he okay?"

"He is fine.  He will probably just have a really bad hang over is all.  He is at my place sleeping it off.  I didn't really get much out of him last night though," I say.

"Okay keep me posted and just make sure he is ready to play in the next couple of days."

"Can do and I'll finish up those contracts this morning and send them to the lawyer, while I am waiting on "Sleeping Beauty" to get up," I say laughing a little bit.

"Thanks I appreciate.  You do good work here and just a heads up.  I am going to be retiring in a couple of months and I recommended that you get the GM spot when I do."

"Seriously?  Wow thank you so much.  I really appreciate it."

"You earned it. I have never seen anyone work as hard as you and the first female GM in the NHL has a nice ring to it."

"It sure does.  Thanks so much for the heads up."

"You are welcome and just focus now on getting to the bottom of whatever it is that caused Noah's little adventure last night," he says.

"I will and I'll see you Monday," I say hanging up.

I get started on finishing up the contracts for the lawyer and waiting for Noah to wake up.

About an hour later I hear a door open and look up and see Lil standing there.

"So what did drunky have to say for himself last night?" she asks sitting beside me.

"Not much.  Just that he didn't want to be alone when I went to leave him last night," I say.

"You slept with him last night?" she says looking at me shocked.

"If by slept with him, you mean in the same bed with clothes on. Then yes I did," giving her a smile.

"Lucky girl.  Sleeping beside him regardless is hot," she says giving me a wink.

"Lil, we are best friends and that is it.  He was in a bad way last night and something must have happened when he went home to propose to Anslee.  Maybe she said no?"

"What fool would say no to Noah Rollins? " Lil says laughing.

"I don't think she would.  She was very in love and possessive over him.  I just can't think of anything else that could have gone wrong to cause that reaction in Noah."

"I guess you'll have to wait until he gets up to find out, but on the note I am going to leave you to it.  I am assuming your not coming into work today?"

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