Have yourself a merry little Christmas

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Hi! Okay so I am aware this is totally random as I finished this book like ten months (probably more) ago. I loved writing this book and seeing how far it has come since I first posted it makes me so happy! A lot of people have been asking me if I could write a third book, and I've always liked the ending so I decided against it. However, since it's Christmas, and I love you all so much. I've written a cute little extra chapter of their marriage and life with George after the book has ended. This is my Christmas gift to all of you, and I hope you get many more! Enjoy this chapter, enjoy your Christmas, and stay safe. Lots of love 💗

- Amelia 🤍

Home Alone was arguably the best Christmas movie of all time. Since you were younger, you and Tony had made a point of taking time to watch it together on Christmas Eve. Your dad had been busy, he always had been, but he always watched Home Alone with you on Christmas Eve. And now you passed on this tradition with your own son, who was sat between you and Bucky as you watched the film for what must have been the 28th time.

Bucky had one arm draped over your shoulders, and was holding your hand. George laughed at the movie, and you and Bucky exchanged a smile as he did. To this day, you still didn't believe that everything had worked out. That this was real. It was just magical. Perfect.

The end credits of the film started rolling as George stood up. "Hey hon," you said, ruffling his hair. "You better get going to bed if you want Santa to bring your presents?"

Bucky smiled as George nodded excitedly. You cleaned up the living room as Bucky put George to bed. When he returned he kissed your cheek as you placed presents under the tree. They were all nearly wrapped in red paper with gold bows on the top. You had spent hours neatly wrapping up each one so they would look perfect.

"You are the kindest person I know," Bucky whispered, as he placed a gold wrapped box on the top of the pile. It had your name written in black ink in the corner. "You deserve everything you want and more,"

"Stop you flatter me too much," you responded, kissing him lightly. "Merry Christmas James,"

He smiled, running a hand through your hair. "Merry Christmas baby,"

You and Bucky were woken up early on Christmas morning by George. "Mom, dad, it's Christmas Day!" he exclaimed, jumping on the bed, holding an armful of presents that you had left in his stocking. "Look at all these!"

Bucky laughed as George frantically unwrapped them, opening each gift quicker than the last and leaving a pile of blue wrapping paper on the floor. "Hey slow down buddy," Bucky said, as George jumped up excitedly to open his other presents. "Let us get up first, and maybe slow down a bit huh? Otherwise it will all be over so quickly,"

"I want to know what I got!" George exclaimed as you wearily rubbed your eyes. "It's Christmas dad!"

You laughed, "We know hon," you said, stroking his head. "Buck, why don't you go with George to see the presents while I get ready. I'll be five minutes. Don't open any without me,"

"I won't," George said, as he dragged Bucky out your room. Who winked at you as he left.

You pulled on one of Bucky's hoodies with your joggers as you went downstairs to see George. Who was sat impatiently in the middle of all his gifts, smiling up at you. Bucky handed you some coffee and kissed your cheek as the two of you sat on the sofa.

George opened his presents quickly, piling each gift up in front of the tree before moving to the next. You laughed at his method, it was so particular. Bucky had his arm around your waist, and as George reached the last of the pile he handed you the gift Bucky had placed under it last night.

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