11.) A Little Crush

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Days became months and eventually you were able to move on from your ex fairly quick. You felt something lift off your shoulders after the first few weeks. Things are different now, you can talk to whoever you want without feeling guilty. You won't lie... sometimes you subconsciously flirt with Freddy but it's because he always does cute things or says something really wholesome and you have to let him know how adorable he is.

After having a lot of time to yourself to think and reflect, you realized your ex was doing more harm than good. Sure, there were plenty of times in your four year relationship that were good and meaningful, but a lot of the time, there were times when you two would constantly argue and he would make you feel blamed for everything that's causing him issues.

Good riddance. What an asshole. Freddy was always open ears with you and always tried to get you to open up and talk about those negative emotions, to which you happily did. You knew that they wouldn't do or say anything to hurt you like an average human would. Humans enjoy gossip and feeling superior to others, talking down to people and always having something bad to say seemed as if it were a new norm, and you hated it.

But the animatronics were different, they were built and programmed to love and support children. Well, you weren't a child anymore but they definitely made you feel like it. At first, it was kinda embarrassing to follow them and play games, knowing you were an adult and you should be working. But what's the harm? No one was around to watch, it was just you and your friends, hanging out together. Thinking about that made your heart skip. I have a group of friends to call my own. Definitely still feels new.

"Hey, (Y/n)!" You heard a girly voice call out. You turned to look over your shoulder and a white chicken immediately hugs you from behind. You were caught off guard and said, "Woah, hey Chica! What's up?"

She pulled away and you turned directly to look at her, you set your broom against the wall and she grabbed your hands. You looked into her eyes and they were sparkling, she leaned close and whispered, "Don't tell anyone I told you but I think Freddy has a crush on you!" Your cheeks burned red and your eyes widen, "W-What!? No way, Chica. He's my friend!"

Chica looked at you with a serious look and said, "(Y/n), I know for sure that he likes you. He talks about you all the time and says stuff like 'I want to protect her' or 'I wish she could live here with us'. Not to mention that he's the one always around you, every time you're here, he never leaves your side. He talks about wanting to always be around you and comfort you. I think Freddy is attached to you, (Y/n)."

Your face only got hotter every time something new came out her beak. The thought of Freddy having a crush on you made your stomach fill with butterflies. You put your hands in your face, shielding your embarrassment from the chicken. She giggled and said, "It's nothing to be bashful about, you and Freddy have amazing chemistry. You two immediately clicked! It's as if you already knew each other, so the thought of him having a crush doesn't seem too surprising."

You thought for a moment about what the chicken said, still feeling a bit embarrassed. Freddy likes me? But how? I'm not the prettiest girl in the world and I've been told that I'm a little on the bland side so what about me makes him like me? You stayed quiet in thought until Chica grabbed your hand and started to pull you towards the main lobby.

"C-Chica, where are we going?" She looked back with a smile and said, "To see the others, of course! We've all been waiting on you!" Your shocked expression turned soft, you loved your new, wholesome friends.

You and Chica approached the stage, seeing everyone else just chilling together. You couldn't help but to focus your gaze on Freddy and noticed he was staring at you with a smile. Freddy was the first to walk to the edge of the stage, holding out his hand to Chica. She grabbed it firmly and Freddy tugged her up onto the stage. They all looked down at you, seeing how small you looked and it made Freddy feel a soft feeling on the inside.

Freddy got down on one knee and instead of holding out one hand, he held out both hands, looking as if he wanted to pick you up. Your cheeks turned red and you stepped closer, your eyes locked on his. You extended your arms out to him like a child and it was almost as if you could see his eyes light up. His hands went under your arms and latched on to you, hoisting you up and bringing you into an embrace.

In a soft voice, he whispered, "I've missed you, (Y/n)." You hugged him back, hiding your blushing face, saying, "I've missed you too, Freddy." He was very gentle with you as he set you on your feet and everyone looked down at you. "So, what do you wanna do today?" Monty asked.

You thought for a moment and suggested, "Raceway today?" The gang cheered and agreed, multiple 'yes's coming from your friends. You've never been happier than you have right now, it's almost as if all the bad things fade away and you could breath easy. The gang started walking towards the raceway and you quickly followed behind them. Freddy glanced back and saw you trailing behind, he slowed down to wait for you and held out his hand. You caught up to him, pushing your hair out your face and your eyes went from his hand to his face. He was smiling and you smiled back, grabbing his hand and walking together behind the group.

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