3.) Interview

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You were on your way to the PizzaPlex, given the directions by Reyna. She said, "Make sure you look for the main office, that's where the managers will be and Mr. Jakob will be the one expecting you." You kept a mental note, trying to make sure you don't forget his name. How embarrassing that would be.

You turned right at the next red light, leading you to the other side of town. Once you make a few more turns, your jaw dropped at the sight. It was a huge mall! It was colorful with bright strobe lights spiraling around the walls, and a giant sign on the front with bold neon lights. You saw the words 'Fazbear PizzaPlex' and you knew this was your stop.

Your guts twisted with anxiety as you pulled into the parking lot. There were a lot of cars around and you got lucky finding a parking spot. You got out your car and made your way inside, the sliding glass doors push themselves open to reveal hundreds of kids screaming and laughing, loud music blaring from the speakers and the smell of fresh pizza bombarding your nose.

You stepped inside, taking in all the decorations and stores. Large attractions and play areas as far as the eye can see. You definitely felt overwhelmed but a strange sense of comfort made the tension ease. As a kid, you remembered seeing the old cartoon and toys of the old Freddy and gang being showcased to kids all around. Freddy was such a big deal to all the kids in school and you remembered that feeling you got when you first met Freddy in person.

You blushed, trying to forget about your cringey crush on the bear. That was so long ago, you had totally forgotten about how much you loved him. I wonder why they stopped airing the old show. I remember being so upset about it.

You continued to take in the atmosphere and let out a sigh. Your eyes eventually fall upon a sign that says 'MAIN OFFICE' hanging above a large door. You quickly rushed over to the office and stepped inside. Once the heavy door shut, the music that blasted was now muffled, as well as the screaming children.

A lady sat behind a desk with a large computer, she turned her gaze towards you and asked, "Is there anything I can do to help you ma'am?"

You locked eyes with her and stepped forward, saying, "Uh- yes ma'am. I'm looking for Mr. Jakob." The lady looked down at her desk phone, pushing a button and saying, "Mr. Jakob, there's a lady down here looking for you."

She released the button and stated to you, "Just give him one moment, you're welcome to take a seat if you'd like." Then, she began to quickly type on her computer, shifting her focus back on her work.

You quickly sat down in a cushioned leather seat and looked around the office. Much more bland in here with a ticking clock, a large board with sticky notes and a calendar, and two posters of the Fazbear logo on the walls. It felt as if time were slowing down while you were sitting there, in silence.

Suddenly, you could hear footsteps leading towards a door that was behind the lady at the desk, on the right. The door swung open to a reveal a tall, big-bellied man with a large mustache. You immediately stood up and walked towards him, holding out your hand, "H-Hello, Mr. Jakob! My name is (Y/n), I'm being transferred here from my original location in Fazbear Inc. to be a janitor for you all."

The man had a big smile and grabbed your hand, shaking it tightly, "Well hello, Miss (Y/n)! It's nice to meet you, and we're glad to have you here!" He let go of your hand and directed his straight behind him, pointed towards the door, "Let's go up to my office so we can discuss your new job, shall we?"

You nodded in response, "O-Of course." You we're definitely nervous and it showed. Your social anxiety starting to bounce questions around in your head, 'Will I get the job? What happens if I don't get it? How will people look at me as a newbie? What if I say something dumb!?'

You walked up a short set of stairs that lead to a door, Mr. Jakob opening it for you and letting you in. You walk into the office, just as bland as the main office except so much more paper everywhere. "Please, take a seat in front of my desk."

You do as your told and watch him sit across from you. He directs his focus on his computer and a few clicking sounds could be heard from his mouse. "Well, it looks here that you've been working with us for almost 2 years now! That's very neat, nice to have devoted workers around here."

The anxiety bubbled in your stomach, but you smiled and said, "Thank you, sir. I do enjoy what I do." He smiles in return and says, "Good! I'm looking through all your information right now just make sure that you'll be good to go when I give you your keys."

Your eyes lit up and you leaned forward, "Does that mean I have the job?" The man looked at you with a surprised look, "Well, yes. You've been with us for so long, your record looks clean and you know what you're doing so I don't see why not!"

A huge smile started to form on your face as you cheered mentally. Mr. Jakob continued, "There are a few things I wanted to discuss with you, though." You nodded and listened, "First thing is your pay, you'll get paid every week and now, you'll currently be making $3 more per hour." You raised your eyebrows in surprise and nodded.

"Next, your hours and schedule. We have you set to work 4pm to 12am, Monday through Friday with Saturday and Sunday off. Please make sure you leave before 12am. I cannot stress that enough." His look turned serious as he said that.

Why? What would happen if I don't? You wanted to ask but decided against it, not wanting to make a big deal out of it so you nodded, "Y-Yes sir." He leaned back in his swivel chair and said, "Alright, last thing I got for ya is to please not try to clean any of the animatronics. We have special staff specifically hired for that task. We had one guy try to clean pizza out of Glamrock Chica's beak and it slammed close on his hand, almost taking his fingers off!"

You slightly jumped at the thought and it make you squeamish. "Yes sir, I promise I'll do everything I can to make sure I don't cause any trouble."

"That's what I like to hear!" He gave a hearty laugh and pulled out a ring of keys. He tossed them to you and you caught them. Mr. Jakob walked around his desk and held out his hand, "Welcome aboard, Miss (Y/n)! We're more than happy to welcome you in our PizzaPlex."

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