8.) So Far, So Good

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Three Weeks Later

Working as a janitor for the PizzaPlex wasn't so bad after the first few days. You knew to expect a bigger mess than what you dealt with before. Whenever you go to work, you quickly clean all the messes as soon as possible so you can spend the rest of your time with your new... Friends. As silly as it sounds, hanging out with the gang was actually the most fun you've ever had. You never grew up with friends that loved to do things and hang out together like this.

So from 4 to around 9, you finish cleaning and from 9 to 12, you're able to roam the mall as a group with the animatronics. It definitely feels different, a good kind of different. You felt like you belonged and welcomed with no petty drama or toxic people around. For the first time, you've felt the best you've ever been. You always dreaded leaving the mall at the end of your shifts, you wanted to stay for longer and enjoy your time with the strangely conscious robotic beings.

As you all walk together around the mall, you chat together and decide what you all will do next. Sometimes you can't help but to smile at how the robots are all taller than you. It makes you feel like you finally have that protection and affection you always craved as a kid. You always wondered what it would feel like to just exist with good role models. How would things be different?

You felt so tiny and dainty compared to the tall, metallic beings that stomped when the walk. You and the gang find tickets from offices and play games, play golf and laser tag. You truly felt like a kid again, a kid that was actually happy. You all would sit around sometimes and just talk about random things, such as; how pizza is made, accidents that happened in the establishment, many customer complaints, 'Karens', kids throwing temper tantrum's and etc.

There was one point when Freddy wanted to know more about you. For some reason, you noticed that he always seemed to be closer to you than the others, but you didn't mind, you loved it. Freddy asked about what your hobbies were and what your favorite food was, he asked if you had pets and you happily answered everything he asked. Then, he asked about your family and you froze.

You didn't really know how to answer that, you didn't want to lie but you couldn't be honest, you knew they would worry about you. You sighed and said, "Well, you guys know that not all parents are good to their kids, right?" You slightly cringed, knowing it's a serious and sensitive topic that they might not be able to understand. All the animatronics lowered their heads, almost seeming as if they felt physically pained. Freddy responded in a soft, saddened voice, "Yes. It is a cruel and tragically unfortunate thing, but we understand."

Now you genuinely felt bad, this moment pulled on your heart strings. You gulped and looked down. Freddy's hand landed on your shoulder, "You can tell us anything, and we will always support you." You felt the group getting closer and you sighed again, swallowing hard and saying with a nervous smile, "I-It's nothing too terribly bad... Um... Well, my mother left me with my father at a very young age and..." You hesitated, rubbing your arm, "And my dad is kinda mean towards me sometimes. He makes me feel like everything is my fault."

Out of nowhere, everyone came together and gave you a big group hug. You froze, tears formed in your eyes and you just decided to let them fall. As you cried, you had a genuine smile and you tried to hug them all back. You felt so lucky, you've never felt this type of love and support before. It's was so new and overwhelming, you weren't mentally ready for it.

To say the least, you were happy with your life other than dealing with your dads bullshit. With the last pay checks you've received, you put extra money back for your apartment down payment and now your so close to being able to leave from that shit-hole. The only thing you'll have to worry about with your dad is repaying him for your car. After that's paid off, you don't have to have anything to do with your dad anymore! No more toxicity, maybe you can finally find true happiness once you live by yourself.

Time skip

As of right now, you were on your way to work, constantly glancing at your phone. For some reason, someone was blowing it up! You received multiple texts in the span of a few minutes, it concerned you. I wonder what those texts are about...

Once you parked your car in the parking lot, you immediately grabbed your phone and saw a notification showing multiple messages from your boyfriend. You tapped on it and opened the app, there were a few messages saying '(Y/n?) You there?' 'Hello?' 'Message back please.'

Your stomach tightened and you replied 'Hey? What's up?' You sat there for a moment, in silence with your eyes glued to the screen. He sent a message back, saying 'Hey, would you be down to go to a cafe tonight?' You sighed in relief and responded with 'Sorry babe, I'm working tonight and I don't get off till 12am'. You got out your car and walked inside, receiving a message a moment later. It said 'That's cool, I just really need to talk with you. We should meet at Katie's Cafe around 12:15.'

Your anxiety came back as you hesitated to respond with 'Okay. See you tonight.' You put your phone away and exhaled. It's probably nothing, maybe he finally wants to hang out since we haven't seen each other in a few days. You hoped that was the case. As much as you knew the relationship wasn't going anywhere, you afraid of being alone and you knew you were attached to him.

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