Part 20: Violent Daylight

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Author's Note: apologies for the long wait, but writing the fighting scene in this chapter was truly horrendous; it caused quite a long writer's block. But the chapter is now up. Hope you all like it.

The next chapter will be the last one. If I don't update before the New Year (which, with my writing speed, is extremely likely), happy holidays to everyone. Merry Christmas to those who celebrate and Happy New Years to everyone!

May we all have a great 2022, free from the pandemic and worries that have plagued the world over the past almost 2 years.


Chapter 20 – Violent Daylight


In the warm glow of candlelight, the two lay in her bed, enfolded in each other's arms. The strength of his hold around her warm body ensured that no distance would remain between them.

Plates of leftover fruit and delicacies, jars of wine ringed the floor around the bed, all remnants of the many meals that Ye Hua had prepared for them in their seclusion from the world. The dishes and cups had been haphazardly thrown to the floor, sacrificed to the need for touch that came to outweigh all other desires.

Bai Qian, clad in only her inner robes, one arm curled under her head, the other thrown across his chest, rested her chin upon Ye Hua's shoulder. Her face was turned towards him, her eyes compulsively tracing over his features, noting the lines that worry had etched across them.

Ye Hua's fingers absentmindedly played with the ends of her hair, tugging lightly as he periodically leaned forward to place kisses against her forehead ... her eyes ... her lips.

Despite the time they had already spent together, reveling in touch and feel, in holding and determinedly not letting go, he knew that it wasn't enough. He feared that if he stopped touching her, Qian Qian would disappear from his side. Leaning forward, he kissed her once more. He would stay so close to her that she would sooner tire of seeing his face. A small smile played across his lips at the thought.

"What is it?" she asked, raising herself up on both elbows to stare down at him, her eyes crinkling as she smiled back.

He shook his head. "Nothing." His fingers continued running through her hair, massaging lightly at the base of her skull.

Bai Qian sighed softly, closing her eyes at the sensation, moaning when he pulled her down to press yet another kiss against her lips. She reveled in his taste, parting her lips to let him inside. Pulling away, she gazed down at him and knew that she had been lying to herself about needing just one more kiss, just one more taste—one more would never be enough. Ye Hua's taste had become almost as familiar as her own, his touch more addictive by the moment, but it still wasn't enough. Her hand reached up to grasp at his wrist, her nails biting into the skin with the strength of her emotions.

"Qian Qian, I love you," he murmured against her bewitching softness. Bai Qian was his breath, his heartbeat. Her kisses had become his life's blood, and could bring him back to life even if he was close to death. And he would make every effort to express these softer emotions, so that she would know, deep down to her bones, how much he loved her.

"Hmm?" she pulled back to gaze at him dreamily, a happy smile gracing her lips. "What did you say?"

"I love you," he repeated. A flush darkened his cheeks; he wasn't used to expressing himself—of baring himself to another. "My hope is that you don't tire of hearing these words."

She laughed joyfully in response. "I would never. I promise you that you will have to spend a large part of everyday speaking those words of love to me before I even thought to complain." She tapped her chin in thought and then exhaled triumphantly before suggesting, "How about I lock you away with me in my Fox Den here in Qing Qiu? We can be in seclusion for months on end; maybe that will give us just enough time to love each other." She raised her chin in smiling challenge. "Once my heart is satisfied, only then will I allow you to go do the work Jia Yun has saved up for you."

No Light: 3 Lives, 3 Worlds , Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms AUWhere stories live. Discover now