Part 17: Null and Void

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"Goddess Bai Qian," Su Jin said ingratiatingly, bowing deeply before the two frozen figures, "I see that you understand."

The early morning light came through the open door, through the work in the walls, but the world had grown darker with each word that immortal spoke. She could see nothing. So then, why could she still hear? And why that voice? Without volition, her body reacted, her hands clamping to her ears, wanting to drive it out. She fleetingly wondered if it would be as easy to drive her out from their lives? But no. That would be impossible.

Blinking rapidly, Bai Qian brought everything back into focus. She fought her base instincts and forced herself to see. It hurt. Everything hurt. It was too bright, too loud. Too harsh to her struggling senses.

"A while ago the Heavenly Lord willingly gave me to Crown Prince Ye Hua," Su Jin concluded triumphantly. "And do you know why?"

Her lips formed the why, but no sound could pass her lips.

"It is because the Heavenly Lord cares so much for my happiness."

"What . . .?" Bai Qian felt bile rising up the back of her throat, her fingers curling into fists at her sides. "What is wron—" her voice dropped away. She wanted to ask what was wrong with the entire Celestial Clan, but she couldn't make her vocal cords work. She turned her back on the both of them, closing them out.

Who would just give away their concubine? What had the Heavenly Lord been thinking? He had just allied himself with the Fox Clan, knew their reputation very well. To bestow a concubine on his newly wedded grandson? Bai Qian massaged at her aching temples, knowing that she was focusing on the Heavenly Lord because it hurt too much to think about the real betrayal. To go from the heights of ecstasy to the depths of despair so rapidly was truly frightening.

"Not to worry," Su Jin called out from behind her, reaching out a hand, false concern plastered across her features. "In the time that High Goddess Bai Qian was from the Nine Heavens, I made sure to keep the Crown Prince company through the days and the long nights, as was my duty as his consort." She relished relaying that news, the glee flashing in those eyes an ugly thing in her mediocre features.

It was strange, Bai Qian thought distantly, she hadn't known that betrayal could taste like ash. It sat heavy on her tongue, suffocating and bitter. Now that she did? She knew that she would never forget its flavor.

"You dare," Ye Hua began quietly, his voice vibrating with an emotion that she couldn't identify.

"After all the years that I have been in the Nine Heavens, after all that the Su Jin clan and I have sacrificed for the Celestials, they should care for my happiness—don't you think?" Triumph sat heavy on her brow when she saw the sickly hue that had spread across the Goddess's features. When Bai Qian stumbled to the floor, she inwardly rejoiced. After all, wasn't it time that her sacrifice be returned tenfold? Wasn't it time that Ye Hua be hers, as she so richly deserved after countless millennia of waiting?

"Leave this place!" Ye Hua thundered, surging forward. "Tian Shu! Jia Yun!"

"Crown Prince?" the aides called out, racing into the room and bowing their heads.

"Drag her from here. Imprison her in her palace. No one is to go near her without my permission!"

The two nodded in unison, surging forward to grab at the woman who stayed obstinately where she was so unwelcome.

"Crown Prince!" Su Jin protested, as she was raised off the floor with rough hands. "Su Jin doesn't understand what she did wrong!"

"You heard me," Ye Hua continued to his aides, ignoring her entreaties. "Place guards outside of her palace so that she doesn't have the chance to create more mischief." Ye Hua followed the three as they retreated from the room, slamming the doors shut behind them. Once they were alone, finally alone, Ye Hua turned back to Bai Qian, his eyes filling with trepidation at what her reaction would be. Would she be willing to listen?

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