Chapter 14

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We were on the jet ride home and JJ was not having it. She was crying softly digging her nails into her hand so deep it was breaking the skin.

Reid had touched her the tiniest bit and she totally freaked out. She wouldn't talk at all and just sat there hugging me for most of the plane ride.

Hotch had walked over to me. "Emily can I speak to you for a moment." He said. I nodded.

"I'll be right back." I said to JJ getting up. I walked over to Hotch who was standing a bit separated from everyone.

"What's going on?" I ask him. "You know the security code to the data base that we need?" He said. I nodded. "Well JJ has it."

"What?" I ask confused. "What do you mean 'she has it'?" "The code was told to her. It's somewhere in her brain we just need to get her to say it." He says.

"So why are you telling me this?" I ask. I have a feeling about why. "Because I think that you are the person who would be able to find it." He sighs.

I glance over to JJ. "Let me explain something to you. You can't see what in JJ's head, but I can tell you. JJ had a little box in her brain that she has shoved every bad memory since she was six years old. She shoves them in there and then ignores it. That's how she's able to do this job and that's how she's able to do it so well. But opening that would be like opening every single terrible memory ever."

Hotch looks over to JJ who is still crying. I know that he blames himself for JJ getting kidnapped. "Look I'll see what I can do, but I am making no promises." I say sitting back next to JJ and wrapping my arms around her.

When the jet landed I took JJ to the hospital and got her checked in. She only threw a slight fit about it. She got about a million stitches but I wasn't allowed to stay with her so I just waited in the waiting room. They set her knee which was broken, and gave her a brace. 

She was allowed to go home now but they gave her strong painkillers to set the bone so she was really just flat out high.

She was discharged so I went into the exam room where she was to go home. "Emily!" She squealed when I walked in. "Hey jayje you ready to go home?" I laughed. She nodded and we headed to the car.

We pulled into JJ's driveway and I helped her out of the car. We went into the house and I started looking around to see what she could eat for dinner. JJ owns no food so I ended up ordering a pizza.

"Emily can I go shower?" JJ asks me. "Of course. Do you need anything?" I nodded. She shook her head no and limped upstairs. I heard her go into the bathroom and turn the shower on.

I went into her bedroom and got out some clothes for her to wear and set them on the bed. I heard the doorbell ring so I went downstairs. It was the pizza.

A little while later I heard JJ come out of the shower. I took the pizza and went upstairs. JJ was hitting herself in the head with a hairbrush over and over again.

I yanked the hairbrush out of her hands. "JJ what are you doing?" I ask. She had washed her hair but it was matted still. "I'm brushing my hair." She grumbled.

"How about you eat something and I'll brush your hair for you. How does that sound?" I say sitting behind her. She nodded and picked up a slice of pizza.

I slowly untangled her hair piece by piece until in what completely smooth. She turned around and smiled at me. "Are you tired?" I ask. "Yeah I want to go to bed." She says. "Okay let's go to bed." I nod.

JJ gets off the bed and lays down on the floor closing her eyes. "JJ why are you on the floor?" I ask cautiously.

"He told me I sleep on the floor."

I leaned down pulling her up onto the bed again. "Well you're home now and now you can sleep on the bed. Doesn't that sound better?" I say softly. "Okay" she says getting under the covers.

She relaxes into my arms and is giggling nonstop for some reason. Finally she stops and says something. "Emily will you sing me a song?" She asks.

"A song? JJ I can't sing." I say. "Please." She begs looking up at me with her best puppy dog eyes. She is very cute and considering the fact that she was just kidnapped for more than 132 hours I can't really say no. "Okay. I'm only doing this because I love you so much." I started to sing softly to her.

Just close your eyes
The sun is going down
You'll be alright
No one can hurt you now
Come morning light
You an I'll be
Safe and sound

JJ smiled at me. "You have a pretty voice."  I leaned down and kissed her forehead. "Thank you sweetie."

"Am I allowed to go to sleep now?" she says tiredly. "JJ you don't need my permission to sleep." "Why not." She yawns. "Because if you're tired then you go to sleep. You don't need to ask me you just do it."

"Okay then I'm going to sleep now." She says closing her eyes and resting her head on my shoulder. "Okay goodnight baby." I whispered stroking her hair as she fell asleep.

I woke up to whimpering crying sounds. I sat up and realized that JJ was quietly crying. "Hey what's wrong?" I asked her touching her arm. She flinched away. "Im sorry." She mumbled. "No no it's okay."

"Can you tell me what's wrong?" I asked her. "I feel sick" she leaned her head against my shoulder. I pressed my palm to her forehead. It was hot. "You have a fever. Let me grab the medicine the doctor gave you." I said getting up and grabbing the bottle from the dresser.

"Why do I have a fever." She asked me sleepily. "Sweetie you have a lung infection." I told her. "I do? How did you know?" She asked. "Your doctor told me."

"What else did the doctor tell you?" She asked nervously. "Just that they set your knee and you had some painkillers for it. They said you got some stitches. They didn't tell me anything else." I said. "Is there something you want to tell me?"

She shook her head no. "That's okay." I said softly. I handed her the pill to take and some water. I think the pain killers had mostly worn off so she didn't remember everything that happened after she left the hospital.

I climbed back into bed and she snuggled up against me. "My throat hurts." She mumbled. "I know baby." I whispered.

JJ didn't look very tired and it was only around midnight. "How about we watch a movie?" I suggest. "Okay."

I turned on the tv and picked some random movie that was on at midnight. JJ moved to sir in between my legs so she was leaning back against me. I draped my arms around her waist. She stared at the tv intently but I'm not sure if she was even really watching it.

Word count: 1267

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