Chapter 3

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Emily's pov:
Finally I was at home again. I walk through the front door. "Cami I'm home!" I shout. She runs down the stairs and into my arms.

"Mom you're home!" She says with a smile. "Yup. And I'm happy to see that our house is still in one piece." I laugh. She rolls her eyes. She's almost 15. "Please tell me you didn't throw a party or something." I say kissing the top of her head.

"Who exactly would I invite? I've been homeschooled my entire life I don't have friends." She says a little sadly. I shouldn't have said anything. "How about you help me make dinner? We can have whatever you want." I say in attempt to lighten the mood. She smiles. "Yeah okay. Im just going to shower first." She says running back upstairs.

I have kept Camilla a secret from the world her whole life. I had her when I was 14 years old. My mother never wanted her. First she tried to force me to get an abortion but I refused. Eventually I her and my mother decided that no one could know about her. The ambassador had a child who got pregnant at 14. That would look really bad on her part.

Ironically enough, how I got pregnant was her trying to make herself look better. When I told her I was gay, she tried to force me to like boys instead. In an attempt to make her happy I started dating a guy and got pregnant. He ditched me obviously, he was only 15.

But that's when I realized that I would never like boys. No matter how much my mom hated it I only liked girls. So now she has a lesbian, teen mom which I'm pretty sure is her worst nightmare but whatever. I have an amazing life and an amazing daughter. So screw what my mother thinks.

Cami comes down a little while later and we make spaghetti and meatballs together, which was her favourite dinner. We had a lot of fun. I loved my daughter. All I wanted was for her to be happy.

~1 month later~
Currently everything at the bau was going as normal as you can call a job where you try to get inside serial killers brains. I hate having to leave cami alone when we go on cases, but she manages. Derek is still convinced that I have a secret boyfriend. I always thought I was obvious that I was gay but I guess not. 

Things with JJ are going... well there going. If I'm around her for too long my face gets all hot. When she just brushed her arm against mine it makes my heart stop.

I talk to her about non important stuff. I still hadn't brought up what she told me that day in the hotel room. I guess I never found a good time to do it. I don't even know what I would say. Does she even know she told me? The whole situation was kind of a disaster.

I wanted to talk to her. Like really talk to her. But whenever we're around each other someone else is always there. Like Reid telling us useless statistics or Morgan hitting on me. I'm not sure it's a joke anymore.

I need a plan. The only problem is I suck at coming up with plans. Also when I do tell her that I know, do I tell her I'm gay? Her being homophobic is pretty much out of the question, but what if she sees me differently? It might make the fact that I'm totally in love with her even more obviously.

I had hoped that maybe knowing her longer would make me like her less. Maybe she had some glaring flaw that I just hadn't seen before. But, I was wrong. JJ was pretty much perfect in every way possible. I don't think I can name one thing wrong with her.

Another thing I need to figure out is Cami. She is the sweetest girl and she deserves the world. But I haven't told the team that I have a daughter. First of all I'm not married, which looks really bad according to my mother. And also I'm 28 years old so me walking in with a 14 year old daughter is going to make it pretty obvious that I got pregnant young.

Of course my mother forbade me from telling the team about cami. That was one of the reasons that I'm not telling them. Another is to protect her. I don't have the safest job and I don't want someone using cami as a way to hurt me.

I honestly have no clue what I'm going to do about any of it, but as of right now I'm going to get out of bed so I'm not late for work.

I manage to shower, get dressed, brush my teeth, do my hair, put on makeup, and gulp down a cup of coffee all before 7:31 am. I quickly run into Camilla's bedroom, and she's still sleeping. I quickly kiss her on the forehead before running out the door and driving to work.

I make it there before 8am so surprise, I'm not late. I'm greeted by JJ with a simple hello, by the coffee machine. I sit down at my desk just as Hotch comes out of his office. "No case today so just paperwork. When you're finished you're free to go." He says quickly before going back into his office.

I liked days when we didn't have a case, because I got to go home at night and see Cami. JJ came over to my desk which surprised me a little. "Hey so I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go out to lunch later?" She asked me. "Yeah I'd love too!" I said in my best 'normal' voice. She smiled and nodded. "Maybe around 12? I know a great place near here" she smiles. "Okay can't wait." I laugh.

Did that really just happen? This is a prefect opportunity to talk to JJ about that night in the hotel room. I have to stop myself from getting my hopes up. She doesn't like me. And even if she did she's my coworker and it's a bad idea. Technically it's not against any rules, but I've watched movies and I'm not stupid. It won't end well.

Burning question. Do I tell her that I'm gay? Or do I tell her that I have a 14 year old daughter? Neither are great options. I can't do both at the same time because it might give her a heart attack. I do want to be friends with her. She is one of the most amazing people I've ever met. I can't screw this lunch up.

Word count: 1141

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