Chapter 9

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Emily's pov:
It's been almost a full week since that day on the couch when Cami said that about JJ. I'm sure she doesn't know what she's talking about. But still it made me think. Is there a small possibility that what she said it true? And if it was why wouldn't JJ tell me?

I mean I thought that I had made it obvious that I liked her. Cuddling her to sleep that night she was sick, telling her about cami, and even staying with her in the thunderstorm. I was sure that if she did like me back, she would have said something.

I also might have acted weird that dinner but I tried to be as normal as possible. I'm pretty sure JJ noticed but chose to ignore it. I think I've gotten back to normal around her and realized that what Camilla said was just something random because she's a love story obsessed teenager.

JJ's pov:
Emily had been acting a little weird the night of the thunderstorm. I don't know why but it seemed to just wear off. It still made me worried though. Did I say something that made her mad? Did I tip her off to much on the whole madly in love with her thing?

The theory that she's mad at me is a dead end when I hear a knock at my door. "Come in." I call.

Emily opens the door and walks inside crashing down on my couch. "Hey jayje." She says sleepily. It's Friday and we're all pretty much done. We had a difficult case that just ended, but we have to weekend off so thats nice.

"Hey Em. What's up?" I say looking away from my file. "Penelope wants to have a girls night. Please tell me you're in?" She says with a smile. I can't help but grin. "Always"

I got home fairly early so I was able to take a nap before 7pm, when Emily and Garcia would get to my house. Emily said Camilla was doing something with her friends so she was free all night. We hadn't had a fun night in way too long.

At almost exactly 7pm I hear the doorbell ring and it's Penelope. She's on time as always and Emily is fashionably late. I greet Garcia with a hug and she walks inside setting down the bottle of tequila she bought.

About 10 minutes later emily arrives. She looks hotter than I remember even though I saw her a few hours ago. She had on ripped skinny jeans and dark red shirt that hugged her body. Her hair falling down in perfect curls.  I couldn't help but stare at her. I'm pretty sure she was staring at me too even though I didn't look nearly as good. I had on grey leggings and an fbi sweatshirt. My hair was in a high ponytail with pieces in the front falling out framing my face.

Our little staring thing is interrupted when Garcia calls us over to the living room to start the movie. I make sure to grab the bottle of tequila.

I walk into the living room and see the tv already on. Garcia is sitting in one of the chairs and I take a seat on the couch. Emily plops down next to me.

"It's finally my turn to pick the movie." Says Penelope excitedly. "So what did ya pick?" Asked Emily. "One of the best horror movies of all time. The poltergeist." Garcia says excitedly.

I feel my stomach do a flip. "Cmon a horror movie?" I groan. "What are you scared?" Garcia jokes. "No! Fine play it." I grumble.

I hate horror movies. Always have always will. But I'm not about to say that so I guess I'll just have to watch it and try not to scream. I know I'm an FBI agent and I see this stuff everyday but I just hate horror movies. They give me the creeps.

Emily's pov:
Garcia played the movie and poured us all a drink. "Cheers!" She said as we all clinked our glasses together.

Halfway through the movie is when things really start to get scary. I personally love horror movies but I don't think JJ's a big fan. She's eating some leftover burger she found in her fridge. JJ has bad eating habits. I mean it's not like the rest of us don't; because of the constant traveling and time change and all that stuff.

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