Chapter 4

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JJ's pov:
I can't believe I just did that. I asked Emily to lunch. Of course I know that I didn't ask her out, just two friends eating food. But I was still excited. Also extremely nervous. What if I mess this up? I go to the one person who I know gives good advice. Most of the time at least.

I walk into the one and only Penelope Garcias lair. Immediately I'm hit with all the bright colours. I've always loved her office. It's like a party all day long.

"Hey pen can I ask you a question?" I say slowly. "You just did. But go ahead." She laughs. How do I say this without giving away anything.

"I like this guy. Like reallyyy like him. And I asked him out to lunch. But not as a date. Just like two friends. But I'm still nervous and I don't want to mess this up. What do I do?" I asked her. She looked at me curiously for a second.

"Who is this 'guy' that you asked?" She says. Crap did I just get caught?

"Not important. Please I need help." I beg her. "Fine. JJ just be yourself. Laugh at his stupid jokes. Try opening up a little. Have fun. If this guy doesn't like you then he's a giant idiot." She says.

"Okay. Thank you Garcia you're the best." I say walking out of the office. "And I expect details when you get back!" She calls out.

Emily's pov:
At around noon I walk up to JJ's office and knock on the door. "Come in!" She shouts. I open the door and peek through.

"Hey Em! Ready to go?" She says grabbing her jacket. I nod and we walk to her car together. She drives to this little sushi restaurant.

We walk through the door and I can immediately smell the sushi. "Wow it smells amazing in here!" I laugh. "Yeah this place is the best." She smiles.

We take a seat and order our food. The waiter leaves and we're finally alone. It's now or never. I have to say something. "JJ can I ask you a question?"

"Sure." She responds. "Do you remember my first case here. That night in the hotel room. Do you remember what you told me?" I ask her nervously.

"Oh you remember that." She said her cheeks starting to turn red. "Yeah." I say quietly.

"You hate me and you're going to tell the whole team and then they're all going to hate me and then I'm going to get fired oh my god I'm so stupid." She cries letting her head fall down against the table.

"JJ you're not stupid. And I don't hate you. Believe me I have no problem with you being bi. And I would never tell the team something like that unless you gave me permission. I just- why did you tell me? What made you decided to tell me after only knowing me for a day?"

She looked up at me confused. She took a second to process everything before answering my question. "I don't know why I told you. I was drunk and stupid. I guess... I just felt like I could tell you. I've never felt that way before. So I guess my drunk stupid brain decided that just because I could, I should."

"I'm glad that you told me. I'm glad that you felt that you could tell me. You can tell me anything. I hope you know that." I said with a small smile. She blushed slightly.

"JJ can I tell you something?" I asked her. She nodded. My heart was beating so loud I'm sure she could hear it. Was I making a stupid decision? Well I'm kinda all in now so it's a bit late to change my mind. Just spit it out. "I uh- I'm gay" I said quickly.

She looked taken aback. I squeezed my eyes shut and waited for her response. Finally she spoke. "Really?" "Yup. Really." I said with a fake laugh.

"I'm glad you told me Emily." She smiled. After that the topic slowly started to drift away from that. We talked and talked and talked. We talked about everything actually.

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