Chapter 3

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It was almost 10 at night and Gordon was fast asleep. He still believed that it was his mind playing tricks on him when he saw the ghost of his partner Marley just less than an hour ago. While he was asleep, he was thinking about what he will do to past Christmas Day. Sleep the whole way through? Count his thoughts? Come up with plans to make him stronger? All these thoughts where going through his head when all of a sudden, the clock stroke 10. Normally this would be fine but what made it unsettling was the fact that there was a very loud noise, something that he never heard. As he woke up, he noticed a very faint but beautiful light right in front of him. The light move closer to the foot of the bed. Gordon finally said something.

"Who are you? Are you a sprit who has come to teach me or something like that?"

The light then spoke in a very soft, gentle voice.

"I am the ghost of Christmas Past."

"Long past?"

"No your past."

The voice sounded familiar to Gordon but he couldn't put his buffer on it. He wasn't sure what the ghost wanted to teach him but he wanted it over quickly.

"So you are here to show me my past? I have no past. Not one that I can remember anyway."

"Ah yes. Your past has been long forgotten now. But I can take you back to your past and show you somethings you have forgotten. Just follow me and you will see."

Gordon started to follow the sprit until he came to a set of buffers. Gordon then remember...he can't move.


"Shush...just a touch of my light, and you shall be safe."

Gordon touch the light and before he could say "Oh the indignity" , was flying through the city! The view was amazing! Buildings flew by and he could see many people still outside their homes, singing Christmas songs. Just has they reached the edge of the city, their was a wall of light. Gordon noticed that they where flying right to it.

"Spirit! Are we going to the light!? PLEASE! DON'T!"

But it was too late. Gordon closed his eyes and screamed.

But when he opened them, he was on the ground. He looked around the area he landed. He saw a bunch of children playing in the snow, buses coming and going, and a big building that looked like a workshop. It was all coming back to him.

"This is the works that I was built when I was a young engine! I can see all the engines I knew! Doncaster, Great Northern, Flying Fox, and Prince Palatine! They are here! But...they can't see me, can the-"

Gordon stopped talked when he saw who was in front of him. The light was no longer there, but it was someone he knew very well has never saw in years.

"S-Scotsman?! My brother?! You're alive?!"

"No Gordon. I merely took the form of your brother. And yes they can't see us. These are the shadows that once were. We can see them, but they can't see, touch or hear us. But we are not here for that. Let's go to the school. Do you remember the way?"


As they entered the building, Gordon saw someone. Someone he knew too well. It was a engine, with its eyes closed beside a small fire. The engine was none other than Gordon when he was younger.


"Yes. You remember that you never went home on Christmas. You always stayed in the workshop. Why is that if you mind telling me?"

"I always said that it was because I found Christmas stupid. But it wasn't that. Some of my brothers never liked Christmas. They would beat the feeling of Christmas out of me if they could. They was too busy with their work. However my brother, Flying Scotsman stayed. He tried so many times to change them but it never worked."

"I see. Wait...I hear someone. Let's be quiet so we can hear what is going on."

An engine puffed into the works. It was Flying Scotsman, Gordon's brother.

"Little Brother? Are you here?"

"SCOTSMAN?! DEAR DEAR BROTHER! Why are you here?!"

"Little Brother I'm here to take you home! Home forever and ever! Our brothers have changed! I tried asking them before but they never did change. However last night something happened to them. I saw them this morning and I wasn't scared to ask them to bring you home. And they said "YES YOU SHOULD!" and I cam here to take you home!"

"OH THANK YOU! NOW I CAN BE WITH YOU FOREVER! You won't leave me will you?"

"Of course not silly! I'm taking you home!"

"No I mean forever. We should always stay together!"

The two got into the car and drove off. The sprit and Gordon puffed out of the building to watch the two engines speed off.

"Such a lovely engine. It's no wonder why you loved him."

"Yeah he was a great brother. Despite calling me, Little Brother!"

"But he didn't live very long did he? A lost like that must have done some damage to you."


"Come with me."

They flew off into the sky and flew into another wall of light

When they landed, it was night time. They were back in the city of Vicarstown and it was Christmas Eve.

"Gordon, what did happen after your brother passed away?" The spirit asked.

Gordon looked down at his buffers, as a tear came down from his eye.

"After my brother died, there was no one to keep the family in line. We fought for days on end. I was filled to the brim with rage, when I was called to go to Sodor, I said. 'I HOPE YOU ALL DIE WHEN I COME BACK!' After that, I felt like I was at peace at last.

"Gordon, did you truly feel at peace?"

" don't mean-"

Soon, the spirit began to show Gordon all those memories for Gordon fighting his siblings. Gordon was so shocked, that he began to cry!

"Spirit! Why do you show me these images!? Please! SHOW ME NO MORE! NO MORE NO MORE NO MORE NO MORE!"

Gordon opened his eyes to see he was back in his shed as if nothing happened. Gordon was too sad to comment and went right to sleep, thinking about what he saw. He wasn't sure if he was dreaming, but it did feel real. He was starting to think about the following ghost that was said to come. The words of his old partner echoed in his mind.

"Expect the worst tonight, when the clock strikes midnight!"

Gordon now feared of what's to come in the future.

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