Chapter Five | Hollow Bones

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Dedicated to Anna for the beautiful banner and her sweet words-what would I do without her?

And a very happy brithday to Lily Evans, who pulled off the red hair oh so well. James Potter fell for it, and countless boys after him. I think Dominique and the other Weasley girls know what their doing.

Chapter Five

Hollow Bones


            When Dom was little, her father used to take care of her when she was sick. Fleur couldn’t stand any sort of sickness or injury, but when she had fallen asleep she would sing to Dom to her, voice lilting in French and soft; rivers and wind, sending Dom off to a dream land were her prince awaited and the grass was green. Although Dom loved to listen to her mother sing, her father had always sang Dom to sleep. His voice was deep and rich, soothing in the way it promised peace and comfort; she always fell asleep easier with Bill’s large hand rubbing her back and voice carrying her off to adventure.

As Dom leaned over the toilet, she wished her father could be there to hold her hair back and rub the spot between her shoulder blades. Her stomach seemed to be sloshing with acid, not milk and a few bites of porridge; Dom’s throat felt like someone had stuck shards of glass like they might on top of a wall to keep out unwanted visitors. Somehow there was no thrill in throwing up anymore, any feeling of accomplishment or high or super human sensation.

Dom just felt empty.

Opening her eyes, the now familiar slick of blood came back on her hand when she wiped it, and the toilet water went red as she flushed. Looking in the mirror, Dom once again wondered why she was given the face she had, and Victoire was given the face she had. Was there a reason Dom wasn’t skinny or beautiful and covered in freckles?

“What did I ever do to you?” she asked her reflection, but it didn’t reply.


            Sometimes a question hit Ben straight on, and it took him a while to figure it out. Such as, do old people get sad sometimes? Or, do girls ever just want to hit guys over the head? Maybe birds didn’t always have hollow bones. Why does his brain go to mush whenever he smells Dom’s cherry blossom perfume?

As he walked down the stairs to one night, a complicated question on his mind, Ben as surprised to see Dom sitting on one of the couches, feet tucked beneath her and staring into the fire.

“Can’t sleep?” he asked softly, sitting on the other end of couch.

Nodding, Dom didn’t take her eyes of the flame “To much on my mind.”

“I know what you mean.” Ben snuck a glance at her, surprised to see how her face seemed twisted in concentration-what was she trying to suppress?

They sat in silence, not a word spoken; sometimes Ben wondered if all the things that he wished he could have said rung in his silence.

“Do you ever wonder if you’ve done something to deserve the life you have?” asked Dom, tilting her head to the side and raising one hand.

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