Chapter 7 Welcome Back

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Will's promise to Sarah was to no avail, unfortunately. Bailey's parents were gone for 2 days and Will couldn't leave the ranch. Both days he visits Scarlet and gives her a carrot like Sarah, always does. Scarlet misses Sarah terribly, but is always excited to see Will in case he has any information about her.

"Hey Scarlet." he says to the gorgeous black Arabian mare. "I don't know how she's doing, I wasn't able to visit her yesterday." Scarlet munches on her carrot then nuzzles Will's hand. He pets the arabian mare, when Bailey walks in with Aztec already saddled.

"There you are Will! I was looking allover for you!"  exclaims Bailey. "I've just been here taking care of Scarlet. So what do you need?" "I need you to saddle up Jimber and follow me." "Why?" asks Will crossing his arms. "Cause you need to get some fresh air and I need to show you something." Will sighs "Alright."

As he tacks up Jimber, Scarlet gets Aztec's attention.  "What are you guys planning?" she asks. "You'll see." says Aztec vaguely with a mischievous twinkle in his eye. Scarlet snorts in annoyance. "And you won't be alone, you have the youngster next to ya for company." At this, Scarlet turns, ignoring Aztec, and gazes out the window towards the forest. Aztec snorts and Bailey pats his nose. "Ready boy?" he asks. Aztec whinnies in reply. Bailey and Will lead Jimber and Aztec out of the barn, mount up and ride towards the forest. "Is everything set?"  Jimber asks Aztec "I believe so."  replies Aztec.

                                                                    ~20 Minutes Later~

"Whoa boy!" calls Bailey pulling on the reins. Aztec neighs and comes to a stop. In the distance, Chili, Pepper, Calypso and Button are all tethered to a tree. "What's going on? Where is everybody?" asks Will confuzzled as he dismounts. [A/N: confuzzled= confusion+puzzled :)] "What do you mean?" asks Bailey with feign puzzlement. "Well there's  4 horses tied to a tree, and the barn is empty, so what's going on?"

Bailey leads Aztec to the tree and Will follows "Just wait and see." says Bailey taking off his helmet. Will follows his example, and Bailey leads him through the trees. They come to a clearing with a man-made fire pit in the middle. There are wildflowers growing everywhere, bushes blooming with sweet, delicious berries, and yet the place is desolate.

"Okay what is going on?" asks Will. But Bailey has disappeared. Will turns in a circle, but finds himself alone. Suddenly 6 people jump out at him yelling "SURPRISE!" Will is confused, puzzled, and startled. "What are you guys up to?"  he asks. "We're having a fiesta chico!" says Alma. "Yeah, we needed to get you out of the barn, and into some fresh air!" says Molly. "Umm...okay..." says Will going along with the whole thing.

"But what kind of party can we have without the guest of honor?" says Regina. "Guest of Honor?" asks Will. "That's right!" says Zoey. "And here she is!" calls Chloe and Bailey. motioning with their arms to a clearing of trees.

A figure moves forward among the trees but is still shaded by them so Will can't see who it is. When they emerge, his eyes widen. Standing there in her usual outfit of a red riding jacket, white breeches, and black tall boots, is Sarah.

She looks stronger and more full of life from the last time he saw her. Slowly they close the space between them, and Sarah jumps into Will's arms. He embraces her as their friends cheer. They break apart just enough to look into each other's eyes and nothing else.

"I've missed you ya know." murmurs Will. "I'd be disappointed if you hadn't." she softly replies. Then, as if attracted to each other by a magnetic force, their lips meet for the first time.

A/N: I told you this was cliche and corny! And I'm too lazy to change it :)

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