Chapter 3 Aftermath

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"SARAH!!!!!" yells Will as a shrill whinny comes from the meadows. He pushes Jimber into a gallop, they clear both fences, and he pulls Jimber to a stop a few feet away from Sarah. Will jumps off Jimber and runs to Sarah while Jimber goes to help Regina calm down Wildfire.

Will holds Sarah in his arms. "Come on Sarah, please wake up." No answer. Bailey runs over, "Bailey call 9-1-1." says Will without taking his eyes off Sarah. Bailey runs to the barn as Alma, and Molly come running.

"Oh no Sarah! What happened!?" asks Molly crouching down with Will, and Alma on his other side. "Wildfire spooked and kicked her." says Will blatantly, still not taking his eyes off Sarah, willing her to open her eyes and show him she's okay.

Just then pounding hooves fill the air, Alma turns to see what's going on. "Aye caramba! Scarlet!" Scarlet runs into the arena and stops in front of Sarah, Will, Alma and Molly. She puts her head down and nuzzles Sarah's cheek. She blows air onto Sarah's face and Sarah stirs slightly. She opens her eyes to half-way and locks onto Will's face through blurred vision. "Will." she breaths before darkness engulf her and sirens fill the air.

The wind picks up and dark gray clouds loom over head threatening to downpour rain on them all. Will's eyes fill with tears along with Alma and Molly. Bailey runs back out to them, takes one look at the clouds then rushes to bring the horses back into the stables.

Meanwhile, Regina and Jimber are finally able to calm down Wildfire, despite the oncoming storm, and nearing sirens.

"What is wrong with you?! You just hurt the best girl at Horseland!" "Look I'm sorry! I freaked out okay? It's not my fault Regina's phone went off! She always has it on her but it's usually not on!" "You better hope Sarah will be okay."

Wildfire hangs his head with his ears drooped. "Stay here Wildfire." says Regina and she slowly approaches the group. "How's Sarah?" she asks timidly knowing she is to blame. "She woke up, but for only a half-second. She's unconscious again now." says Molly not taking her eyes off Sarah as sirens get louder and louder. Regina sighs and hangs her head too.

The ambulance comes and takes Sarah away, the farm is quiet except for the rumbling of thunder in the distance and the restless wind. Will puts Jimber away as Regina, with the help of the others, manages to put a frightened Wildfire in his stall.

Will calls Sarah's and Bailey's parents and leaves with Sarah's parents to the hospital. His heart is in pieces as he replays the scene in his head over and over again. But deep in his mind he still remembers how Sarah said his when she stirred awake.

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