chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The doors opened up to reveled, my uncle Wesley, and his escorts. Annabelle came to my room earlier this morning telling me his name, she also demanded her picking out my clothes for our mew guest. It was black at the sides with slight patterns in it and all yellow in the middle. My hair wasn’t tied up today, since I hated it that was I just let it all out, Annabelle by the way had a similar dress as I but different colors, and her hair was in curls with a scarlet flower in the middle, my sister and I looked rather ravishing.

Men were walking inside our castle, a man with curly blonde hair, who looked closely as my father came up to us and bowed. He also took or hand in his and kissed.

“It’s a pleasure to see my nieces once and for all, I’ve herd a lot about you girls, you girls look rather ravishing”, Said the man, claimed to be my uncle.

We both smiled up at him and said, “Why thank you Sir.”

He scoffed, “Oh my, Sir makes me sound so old, just say Troy, if you may.”

Annabelle smiled brightly up at him, “Why it’s a pleasure to me you finally uncle Troy.”

Before Uncle Troy could say anything, father came over towards us opened his arms wide smiling brightly at him, “Brother it’s a pleasure to see, I’ve missed you so much, come on we have a lot to discussed.”

He escorted him to his office while they talking briskly to each other.

 I turned back towards Uncle Wesley escorted men, and my, did they look rather handsome.  A man walked up to Annabelle and leaned down to kiss her hand but by the sudden reaction Annabelle swiftly grabbed her hand out of his. Suddenly Annabelle noticed what she did was wrong and apologized as quickly she pulled away from the man.

“I’m sorry sir, you startled me, my, you almost gave me a heart attack.”

“Oh, for me who must apologized, I am truly sorry for startling you ma’am, forgive me”, insisted the man.

“If you may, then your apology is accepted, may I ask what your name is”, asked Annabelle.

“It’s a pleasure, Erick, Erick O’Malley.”

Annabelle giggled, “Well it’s a pleasure to meet you, my sister and I agreed to escort you fine men around the castle, would you mine.”

Before Erick could say anything and man joined in the conversation, “We surely have nothing to do at this time, it’s a fine pleasure for you both to take time off and show us around.”

I briskly looked at the man who said it, and he was handsome just as Erick but slightly older, but not too old though, kind of my age, his curly black hair was settled upon his head and his hazel eyes were bright, it reminded me of mines.

“Well then men, follow us if you may”, I said while walking down the corridor ready to explain these fine works. As I walked they all followed behind me, listening about the fine history.

Annabelle and I were in our study room talking about our tour and how we did a great job, there were many questions been asked and many were answered. I also noticed that Erick was slightly amusing towards her, she couldn’t stop giggling, and I couldn’t help but worry either. I’m her big sister and I’m suppose to protect her, and falling in love with a man you hardly know is very, agitated. Annabelle was standing next to a book shelf, and I was by a desk looking for a paper my father asked for earlier.

“Annabelle, I worry about you sometimes”, I sighed.  

“Dear sister, there’s nothing for you to worry about, I could take care of myself just fine”, said Annabelle.

I turned around to look at her harshly, “Well it seems like you don’t, because I see you flirting with a man you hardly ever know.”

“How dare you yell at me, I could make my own decision weather you like it or not, so I suggest that you deal with it”, sneered Annabelle.

I didn’t pronounce anything after that.

“And I will see him later on tonight for him to show me one of his finest tricks, you could come if you want to.”

I also, didn’t say anything, I just continued looking for the missing paper.

That night I was in my bed chambers, not ready to go down for supper, also knowing that father would send an escort for me whether I like it or not. Before I could get up off my bed, someone knocked harshly on my door. I went over towards it and opened it to see the same man with the sparkling eyes I saw in the morning.

“My, it’s a pleasure seeing you here”, I beamed.

“Well, your father asked me to escort you to supper, and Erick insisted that he needed more audience later tonight.”

As soon he said, Erick O’Malley needed more audience, I knew my sister put him up to this. I stepped out of my room, closing it behind me, while walking side by side down the corridor.

“I never got your name, Sir”, I said.

“Well, its Richard, Richard Presley”, he said.

I repeated that name in my head, over and over again, I tried whispering it to myself, and my, did it feel good whispering it against my tongue. Richard voice broke me out of the spell is name gave me, we were in the dinning room, everyone was among themselves laughing and eating. Richard escorted me towards a table and I sat down thanking him, he walked around sitting in front of me started joining into the conversation Annabelle and Erick was in. I slowly ate my food, I was quiet the whole dinner while father, Annabelle and our guest were having a good time except for me. I was too busy worrying about my sister and getting her self in a mess, and father might be upset about her being in love with a man she hardly knew, or he might be thrilled. Question whirled in my mind back and fourth, not knowing which side to take.

Finally father spoke up, “I’m afraid my brother and I would discuss matters and term later, we’ll see you in the morning.”

As soon as Father and Uncle Wesley walked out Richard spoke out, “I believe it’s time to go in the room, for Erick to show us his magical tricks he learned back home.”

We all stood up and walked inside a room closing it behind us, all of us wondering what’s the spectacular event is about.

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