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"Where are you going madam?" My step mom asked as I came down the stairs. She was sat with a big bowl of strawberries covered in a thick coat of chocolate– her latest pregnancy craving. The babies were due to pop out any moment from now and my step mom was looking big as hell. No one dared to tell her that though. I remember when my Dad told her she was looking fat, she cried for three days straight and refused to talk to him for a week. It was an hilarious sight to see.

"To see a friend" I replied not going into details. It's been three weeks since knowing about Kanaan's Mom's health issue, and we've been getting closer. We exchanged numbers– not letting TK and Dior know about it, and we had been talking for hours on the phone everyday. The days I got to see him felt like Christmas to me. He made me happy.

"Nori?" She asked, tossing a strawberry into her mouth. That shit looked juicy as hell.

"Nah. Angel...you know her abi?" I lied smoothly, stealing a berry from her bowl. She frowned at me. Kanaan and I had decided to hang out today at a new ice cream spot in town. I only hoped no one saw us.

"I guess so. Be back early sha o" My step mom dismissed me. I skipped out of the house happily, entering into the ride I ordered. Just then, my phone started ringing. It was Natse.

"Heyyyy wusgud Nashy boy" I greeted.

"Nashy boy? Girl fuck you" He laughed loudly.

"It's a nice nickname though" I continued teasing. "Imma start calling you that"

"Like I said fuck you, respectfully"

"So are you tryna hang out with me and Angel tonight?" He asked.

"Umm....I'm not so sure" I replied. My Mom asked me to be back home early.

"C'mon Ayanfe, we haven't seen you in like foreverrrr" He dragged.

"I'm kinda on my way out, and I don't know when I'll be back" I said.

"Where you going?" He asked.

"Out oo"

"Are you going to see Kanaan?" He asked. I could feel him smirking.

"How the fuck did you know?!" I asked, flabbergasted.

"Call me Psychic Nash" He boasted.

"Ode" I laughed. [Fool]

"So your brother is cool with whatever you guys doing?" Natse asked.

"He doesn't know we talk like that" I replied.

"So he's not gonna freak out when y'all eventually start dating?" He asked.

"Woah woah woah...chill out on the dating part. And besides he hasn't really suspected anything yet, but knowing my brother, he'll jump over a bridge before allowing us date" I replied, shrugging like he could see me. I hadn't really thought about Kanaan and I dating, but it doesn't seem like a bad idea.

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