The Belly Of The Beast

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A helicopter is seen flying around Shinra as Cloud looks at Shinra's base and grabs the sword over his shoulder. Y/n looks at it, grabbing his sword in the sheath. Cloud and Barret look at the below to see the officers stopping the entrance.

Security Officer: That's good.

Barret: Rolled out the welcome wagon.

Tifa: Gotta say, I can't help but wonder if this is a lost cause.

Barret: Well, ya know, some lose causes are worth fighting for.

Y/n: I'm not giving up until I can say I gave it my all.

Cloud: Let's just think this through.

Barret: So. I got an idea. Frontal assault, guns blazing. Make for a good story.

Y/n: Why'd we bring you along again?

Cloud: Rear entrance. We'll get inside via the parking garage.

Shinra Building

Everyone ran towards the stair case to the rear entrance as Cloud and Y/n followed Barret and Tifa.

Tifa: Security's looking pretty tight.

Barret: Ha! So they know what they're up against.

Cloud: Somehow I don't think it's all for us. Could be for Avalanche. Or maybe even Wutai.

Barret: Can't be for Wutai. What about the cease-fire?

Y/n: That really only put the war on pause.

They slide down the ladders and stay out of night, getting closer and closer.

Barret: Either way, I'm gonna put the fear of Avalanche in 'em! Their days of sittin' smug in this glass tower are over!

Cloud: We're here to rescue Aerith, remember? We don't need much more attention than what we're gonna get. We need to be smart.

Barret: Yeah, I hear ya! But my soul's screaming for payback, you know? I'm a tickin' time bomb, and sooner or later, I'mma have to blow up!

Y/n: Well, then make it later. I'm not letting you ruin this chance to save her. You made a promise to your daughter, remember?

Tifa: Hey...Y/n.

Y/n: Yeah.

Tifa: You might wanna hide the wing. You blend in.

Y/n: I was planning on it but then I remembered Barret walks around for a gun as a hand, and Cloud carries a big ass sword every where.

They soon reach the bridge and see a truck down the highway.

Tifa: That one there—that's a Shinra truck, isn't it?

Cloud: C'mon.

Barret hesitates before before everyone leaps off the highway and hides on top. The officers didn't even look up.

On-screen: Shinra Building - Underground Parking Garage

Security Officer (1): How's it looking out there?

Security Officer (2): Anything?

Security Officer (1): Nah.

Security Officer (2): All clear!

Security Officer (1): Roger. Okay, head on in!

Barret: So far, so good. (screams)

Barret flas down and takes Tifa with him. Y/n facepalms as they leap off.

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