Dogged Pursuit

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Announcement: This is an announcement from the Shinra Electric Power Company. The terrorist group "Avalanche" has issued another bomb threat. In response, we have raised the threat level and entered a state of heightened alert. All lines are currently experiencing delays. We anticipate that our arrival at Sector 4 will be later than scheduled.

Y/n: Glad to see they're taking us seriously.

Tifa: (tapping his back a little) I'm not sure that's a good thing...

Barret: The target's Mako Reactor 5. From the station, we take the backstreets. Once we're inside the facility, it's the same deal as last time.

Cloud: Head for mako storage.

Barret: And then blow it all to hell.

Barret: Let's do this one for Jessie and Wedge. They deserve it.

Tifa: Yeah.

Cloud: Sure.

Y/n: Right.

Tifa then moved on ahead, followed by Barret and then Cloud. Each walked down the train and towards the front.

Tifa: I didn't think word would spread this fast. There's barely anyone on this train. And none of them look happy to be here.

Y/n: Well, no matter how you look at it. To the law, this IS terrorism. 

Barret: Might stand out as a group. You three stay here.

Y/n and Cloud look at Tifa, as she seem uneasy about it all.

Tifa: Y/n. Cloud.

Announcement: The train will be passing an ID checkpoint shortly.

Tifa: Here comes the first hurdle...

Cloud: Not much of one.

Tifa: I know, I know. But that doesn't mean I don't have butterflies in my stomach.

Y/n; It's only natural.

Tifa: *Looking out Cloud* Hey, would you mind keeping an eye on things the next car over? I'm worried there might be trouble.

Cloud: Why's that?

Tifa: Barret's always on edge before missions, but you know he's a good guy underneath it all. The people on this train don't.

Cloud: He'll be fine.

Tifa: Maybe...but I won't be until I know for sure.

Cloud: (sighs) Be right back.

Tifa: Thanks.

Cloud enters Barret's car. Y/n looks at Tifa. She gives him, a look, not a friendly one either.



Y/n: Is there something you want to talk about?

Tifa: Like I said before, I'd like it if you don't use your wing unless absolutely necessary. I know I said you have to stretch it more but...I get this bad feeling.

Tifa clenched her shirt as Y/n raised and eyebrow, turning his head to look at her more clearly.

Y/n: Bad feeling?

Tifa:(nods) My gut is just telling me that nothing good will come out using it on a mission like this.

Y/n: (thinking about it, before nodding) When no one is watching us, or when no one is hunting us down.

Tifa: (Smiling) Alright, thanks.

Tifs then noticed his hair went back to Silver.

Y/n: Yeah, sorry. Hadn't had the chance to-

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